Chapter Seventeen

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"Be careful how you treat people. Life is an echo and what you send out. comes back to you. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get."

Elijah went very still and even though I liked Derek well enough, I wanted to chuck my piece of chicken into his face

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Elijah went very still and even though I liked Derek well enough, I wanted to chuck my piece of chicken into his face. It wasn't even that big of a deal but all three of them were staring at me like I committed a grave sin. 

Except for Elijah though, I didn't care what they thought. Especially Josiah, who was looking at me from the time I had I come in. He recognized me alright and by the look on his face he knew I was here for a purpose and he had it coming. 

"Wow, once upon a time I wanted to have lunch with you and here I am!" Derek exclaimed as I chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh really? If I remember correctly you weren't even the least interested in the student council considering the way you spray painted our pictures."

Derek coughed uneasily and Elijah let out a snort next to me. He seemed to have gotten over his shock but he was still looking at me discreetly, no doubt comparing the old me to the new me. 

If old Alyssa from a week ago saw me now she'd be running away from the comparison, but I stayed still and calm because I had changed and it was for the better. 

I was stronger and I had confidence in myself. Of course a part of me cowered from the judgment but I had given people enough satisfaction in letting me be subdued. 

"So Josiah was in your grade, right? Did you know each other?" Derek asked, oblivious to his brother who had started to fiddle with his cutlery. I looked at him and my assumption of Derek not knowing that Aloura was Josiah's father strengthened. 

Josiah didn't tell anyone about Aloura, huh? Well then, this was gonna be quite a surprise for them indeed. 

"Josiah didn't tell you?" I asked in a fake gasp as I cut a piece of chicken and popped it into my mouth. I saw Elijah and Derek look at Josiah who found his steak very interesting and then turned to me, intrigued.

"Tell us what?" Derek asked, stoking the flames of suspense higher as I hid my smile behind my napkin, meeting Josiah's eyes which were practically screaming, don't tell them

Before I could speak however, Josiah stood up, banging his cutlery on his plate and startling everyone except me. Derek looked surprised at his brother's behavior but Elijah was looking at Josiah with narrowed eyes. 

Josiah looked straight at me, his nostrils flaring, "Alyssa, can I speak with you for a moment? Privately?"

I looked at him, my eyes hard and unrelenting. Josiah didn't know me anymore. He might have had the upper hand before but not now, "There was a time when I'd beg you to talk to me, a long time ago. Why the sudden interest now? Elijah and Derek are waiting for my answer and I wouldn't want them to wait."

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