Chapter Two

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"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen." ~ Winnie The Pooh

The restaurant was packed with people

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The restaurant was packed with people. Bobs of heads,endless chatter and flashes of every color met me as I walked around and interacted with my customers.

"The Beef Stroganoff is sumptuous as always, Elijah!"

"Your Tartiflette au Reblochon is absolutely delectable!"

"You are the best chef in this city, I swear."

I chuckled as I wove through the crowd, waving to familiar faces and greeting new ones with benign and gregarious gestures. Each new meeting filled me with that warm feeling of love for my passion.

When I finished my round, I went back into the kitchen and was met with another type of noise, one that had been my friend since I was little.

Steam wafted through the air, chefs and waiters plated dishes and the ever present sounds of cutlery and water of dishes being washed and assembled permeated the atmosphere. Pressure cookers whistled and ovens tinged as timers went off. People shouted orders and others yelled for ingredients.

I looked over my kitchen with a proud and nostalgic smile. Once upon a time, it was only me in here. And now, well let's just say I was one of the lucky people to have gotten my dream come true.

"Derek, I'm going!" I hollered above the cacophony of sounds as Derek showed me a thumbs up. I went to the back room and grabbed my stuff before walking out of the kitchen exit.

Outside the sky was streaked with pinks and orange as the sky settled down for the night. I swiftly walked away from my restaurant which would be far busier as night elapsed.

I felt like turning around and going back to help but I remembered how tired I was and how Derek had told me that I needed a day off.

It felt weird, I supposed. All those years of hard work and determination and when it was finally all done, you felt strangely buoyant.

Filled with elation but even a little doubt. What was supposed to happen now? From as far as I could remember, cooking had been a dream and the only thing I wanted to do. The kitchen was my home and nothing was better than a hot delicious meal to wash your worries away.

Now. I had my own restaurant and did my favorite job all day long. I was the kind of person that needed a goal, an objective. What purpose did I serve when I had no goal? But Derek's wods came to mind, maybe I needed to chill a little.

Yet, as I walked around the neighborhood, my eyes roaming the small pockets of joy as people exchanged smiles and couples held hands, I felt myself wanting.

Wanting what? Well, as I gazed upon a couple holding a small child between them I looked at them fondly before sighing. Finding your significant other was always harder than it seemed but thank god I still had time.

Soon after, I found myself on a bench in the park I had wandered into. The sky was slowly turning darker, muted orange and reds warping into brilliant midnight blue that would soon give away to the dark of the night.

The wind had died down to a little whistle and the foliage around me was nothing more than dark silhouettes against the impending darkness looming above.

"Aloura! Aloura, wait. Sweetheart you'll get hurt."

As soon as I heard the voice that was shouting, my eyes found a woman chasing after a tiny figure running towards me. I snorted as the little girl shrieked and the woman continued yelling.

I blinked, thinking I had seen wrong but no, the tiny child was really running towards me. Her laughter coaxed a smile on my face as she giggled contagiously, looking back.

"Catch me if you can!"

The girl was running so fast and looking back that she missed seeing the upended brick on the pathway. I was out of my seat before I knew it and caught the girl just as she let out a scream, her foot catching and propelling her forward -into my arms.

Just in time.


The girl-Aloura-shivered in my arms, her chest heaving and tears filling her eyes. The sight caused a pang though me and I rocked her softly before I gave her over to the woman who had reached us.

"Oh my God," The lady-Aloura's mother I supposed- swept the toddler into her arms. The lady hugged the girl to her chest and closed her eyes, pressing a kiss on the child's head. I couldn't help but notice how the lady's hands were trembling quite violently.

It felt peculiar for me to be intruding. It felt oddly private and special the way Aloura's mother cradled her child in her arms, her eyes terrified at the thought of her child hurt.

It was only when I stood up she noticed me. "Thank you so much. I can't thank you enough. Thank you for catching her in time."

I smiled gently, shrugging. "It was nothing. I would have done what anyone would have done. You don't have to thank me." I squinted trying to see the two clearly when the lights in the park and the street lamps flared to life. I blinked away the sudden light before my eyes focused on the mother-daughter in front of me.

When I noticed the lady, I must admit I became a little stunned. She was beautiful and much younger than I expected.

And no, I wasn't just talking about her beauty as in her features -which actually weren't lacking at all- but the gentle slopes of her face. Her kind eyes and warm smile sent a shiver along my spine. She emanated the very emotion of warmth.

She looked ethereal. Like a goddess in the modern day era.

She opened her mouth to say something but she stopped when she noticed my face. Something passed behind her eyes before she squinted, her head slightly tilting with her glasses.

"I'm sorry, I feel like I've seen you before. Have we met?"

I shook my head, highly doubting it. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't miss a face or an aura like hers. She nodded, her eyes distant but smiled once more, proffering her hand.

"Well then, I'm Alyssa Caldemon. And you are?"

I shook my head, a little dazed but mostly functional and smiled back accepting her soft palm. It was like shaking hands with the summer sun.

"And I'm Elijah Sudeen. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Alyssa let out a little laugh for God knows what but honestly my face felt like it would fall off from how far my smile grew. If Alyssa recognized me as the famous chef she didn't show it and I was glad.

"Mommy, can we-" Aloura's voice was cut off by the tiny yawn that came out of her mouth. Alyssa imperceptibly held her closer, her eyes finding mine in regret.

"Well then, I'd better be going Mr. Sudeen. It's someone's bedtime. Hope to see you again."

Alyssa nodded her head one last time and Aloura stirred, sleepily blinking from her shoulder.

"Bye bye. Thank you for saving me." Aloura mumbled her eyes heavy but her words were sincere and warm. I grinned at her cuteness and gently patted her head, "Your welcome Aloura. Be safe, okay?"

Aloura nodded and Alyssa smiled at me, her eyes unseeing and distant but she waved when I said goodbye and then she turned.

I watched them go and suddenly I wanted to meet them again. This wonderful mother daughter who made me feel like I had seen the sun in the middle of the evening.

I watched her figure as it grew smaller and smaller, until they both disappeared. I sighed heavily, turning around and going back home, a strange feeling numbing my senses.

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