Chapter Fifteen

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"Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we become more stronger and more resilient."

"Are you free this evening?"

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"Are you free this evening?"

Was the first sentence that came out of Elijah as I picked up the call. I chuckled as I mixed the macaroni and snuck a cursory glance at Aloura who was reciting rhymes. 

"Well, hello to you too. I'm good, thanks for asking."

"Oh sorry." Elijah replied with a slightly abashed tone which I laughed at because Elijah was nothing if courteous. It was funny to see him miss out on the formalities. 

"It's alright. You're too prim and proper anyways. So what's up?" I asked, as I pressed the phone to my ear, plating up the Macaroni. I set it on the table and gestured for Aloura to come eat. She who held up her hand asking for two minutes.

I rolled my eyes at her gesture. Two minutes in kid's language meant ten minutes or more. But I let her play as I walked to the couch and sat down, stretching my limbs. 

"Yeah. I wanted you to meet Derek. His brother, Josiah, has come to visit and we were planning on going out tonight. I wanted you to join because Derek told me to invite you. He really wants to meet you."

"Hmm, so only Derek is calling me? You don't want me to come?" 

"I never said that! Of course I want you to come! I want to see you again. It's been so long." Elijah sighed and I couldn't help but sigh along with him.

Unfortunately, it had been some time since we had seen each other. After that walk we took after coming back from the hospital-we hadn't seen each other at all. 

That night, I got a call from Mrs. Winston who apologized profusely about Mr. Lussac and told me a few interesting things like how she was actually the CEO and Mr. Lussac was just a stand-in. 

I must admit I was shocked, but happy that he hadn't been an integral part of the company. Hence, his absence wouldn't hinder the company's growth. It also meant I wasn't fired unless I wanted to resign-which I didn't want to. I was growing to excel and love the job, I wasn't going to walk away this time.

Elijah somehow took care of Mr. Lussac and when I asked if I was supposed to face the man in court, Elijah smiled mysteriously and shook his head. "It's all taken care of so don't think about it." Even after countless pleades and questions, Elijah didn't say anything and I gave up because a part of me just didn't care.

It was best to let the skeletons enjoy themselves in the closet. If Elijah wanted to put a lock on it and throw away the key, I would have no objections, whatsoever.

Mrs. Winston had apologized so many times and I had to tell her that it wasn't her fault until I made her come to terms and let it go. The fact that she was so sorry made me feel strange. I don't think even my mother had fussed over me like that when I was sick!

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