I looked down at my blue skirt, suddenly very ashamed of myself. The room was quiet and I swallowed before continuing. I had only one chance and it was all I got.

“I know I lied but I really need a job. I was willing to do anything-I still am. I will work hard and make sure I get every aspect of business and marketing only if you can give me another chance. I’m sorry for deceiving you and running out like that and I fully accept my fault on it. But please consider keeping me. I’ll work harder-”

Mr. Lussac held his hand up and like a marionette I shut up instantly. His old face, deft in the art of concealing and hiding was as penetrable as a high security vault. My swallowing amplified and my body burned with fire, shame and resignation. 

“You lied to me. You were-are a mess. You disobeyed me. You ran out without any reason. I have many reasons to fire you right here Ms. Caldemon.” I cringed at the strong words that Mr. Lussac said but there was an imperceptible lift to his lips as he continued.

“Yet, I don't know why I haven't fired you the moment you stepped into this building.” He cocked his head curiously and something passed behind his eyes, “So consider this your last warning. No lying, no deceiving, no leaving without checking out and you will do everything I tell you too.”

I don't why a slither of dread trickled down my spine at the conditions. There was something there that my body sensed but my brain couldn't comprehend. But as I thought about it, Aloura’s face flashed in front of me.

I promised her a better life and I don't take promises lightly.

I nodded, a polite smile on my face, “Of course Sir. I promise to work up to my position. You won't be disappointed.”

Mr. Lussac leaned back, his chapped lips tugging at the corners as he clasped his fingers on the desk, “Wonderful. Now go back to work Ms. Caldemon.”

I nodded and got up feeling strangely detached even though I had done nothing wrong. Had I done anything wrong? I shook my head as I walked down the corridor to my cubicle.

This paranoia needed to go. I had a job to get too.


It was around afternoon when I got my next text from Elijah. I was typing in numbers and asking myself if this job was worth the money when my phone pinged. 

Since no one texted me apart from Clara, I instantly looked at my phone. A sudden burst of panic caught light inside of me. Was Aloura hurt? Did she break a bone? 

But instead it was Elijah. I didn't know why that made me pause and then blush even though there was absolutely nothing to blush about. 

Gosh. What was wrong with me? 

Elijah: Hey, busy?

I looked at the phone and my hand extended towards the phone before I slapped my right hand onto my left, shaking my head. “I have three spreadsheets to finish and still need reply to the emails. I can’t chat right now. Don't mess up on your first day of redemption, Alyssa!”

But it seemed my brain refused to corporate because all I could do was think about was the text and if it was hugely mean and rude of me to peek at the message and ignore it. I closed my eyes, threw my head back and slapped my hand on my face, groaning.

Me: Hey. No, I’m free.


This was a violation of my body. Elijah must be practicing black magic because I did not just type that. I had a gazillion things to do and staring at the screen with a huge smile wasn't one of them.

Out Of Orbit | ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя