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❝ i know you were way too bright for me ❞

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❝ i know you were way too bright for me ❞

▬▬CHERYL AND LUCY WERE walking to the art gallery since they had to open for Cheryl's Beauty of a Woman showcase. Usually when they open up the art gallery first thing, there was no one there and during the day, bigger crowds filtered in. However, there was a line of people waiting outside. Lucy let out a small laugh of disbelief as they walked past the groups of people. Some people even sent Cheryl small waves, to which she returned.

It had taken Cheryl and Lucy a few minutes to hang up all the paintings. They had left some up, like the sunflower specifically. Lucy had also called Pierre so that Cheryl could have some extra help on the floor.

People started filtering in once Lucy opened the doors and Pierre had arrived just a few minutes after. This seemed to be the one time where no one seemed confused about the no phone rule, almost as if everyone already knew about it. Cheryl was pleasantly surprised to see so many people here this early and she really felt like she was touching people's hearts when she saw them looking at her paintings. There was whispers everywhere and she was only overhearing positive things. It warmed her heart.

As time passed on, Cheryl had talked to about four different people already and sold two paintings and Pierre had sold three. Some people were even coming up to her just to meet her and say hello. She quite liked these interactions, but one thing that was extremely confusing to her was some people were saying they discovered her through Harry Styles.

Cheryl had found Pierre, who had just finished talking to someone, since she figured he would know about this Harry Styles situation. "Pierre."

"Yes, pretty?" Pierre greeted with a small smirk on his face. Cheryl smiled and shook her head before getting to her point. "People keep saying they found me through this Harry Style guy."

"Styles and yeah, he was liking all of your posts about your gallery. Lucy told me he was here last week?" Pierre questioned, still shocked by the news Lucy had told him.

"Apparently, but I'm glad so many people found me." Cheryl spoke with a smile on her face, fond of the idea of her gallery being this full. Pierre smiled at her joy and crossed his arms before informing, "You should be. I just sold another one of your paintings. You only have one left of the women series."

"I've never sold an entire series in one day before. This is so exciting!" Cheryl exclaimed before walking off to go help some other people. Pierre only shook his head, finding her easy excitement so endearing. One could say that he loved this look, one could say that he wished this level of emotion was shown towards him, but Cheryl only showed him platonic emotion. He had to live with that, but Pierre done it long enough that he's gotten used to it.

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