"If you drowned I wouldn't be sad <3"

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This has been sitting in my drafts for about 4 months now and I've never gotten enough motivation to finish it. BUT since it's my wife's birthday (Love you<333) I thought I should finish it as a birthday present :) jadespersonalreads

(Also I don't know how timezones work so I hope it's still your birthday when you read this)

Is this filler? Yes.

Is this pure fluff? Also yes.

Are you gonna read it anyway? I hope so.


Bitch (Affectionate): Monty

Whore (Affectionate): Carla

Whore (Affectionate): You're a fucking dumbass.

Bitch (Affectionate): I did nothing wrong!

Bitch (Affectionate): This time

Whore (Affectionate): This time?

Whore (Affectionate): And bullshit! You clearly started that fight!

Bitch (Affectionate): I didn't start it

Bitch (Affectionate): I just instigated.

Bitch (Affectionate): Completely different things

Whore (Affectionate): HE GOT HIS JAW BROKE

Bitch (Affectionate): I DIDN'T BREAK IT

Whore (Affectionate): ...

Whore (Affectionate): I'm so mad at you rn I can't even respond

Bitch (Affectionate): Yet you do anyway

Bitch (Affectionate): Are you seriously not gonna respond?

Bitch (Affectionate): Okayyyyyyy

Bitch (Affectionate): I'm sorry

Bitch (Affectionate): I'm actually sorry this time

Bitch (Affectionate): The fight was my fault and it won't happen again

Bitch (Affectionate): I love you

Whore (Affectionate): Simp.

Bitch (Affectionate): We already knew that

Bitch (Affectionate): This isn't new information

Whore (Affectionate): Unfortunately

Bitch (Affectionate): Soooo

Bitch (Affectionate): Are you not gonna say it back orrrr

Whore (Affectionate): omfg

Whore (Affectionate): You are such a girl lol

Bitch (Affectionate): Ok

Bitch (Affectionate): And???

Bitch (Affectionate): I'm still waiting

Whore (Affectionate): Woow

Whore (Affectionate): You know when I started dating you I didn't expect you to be such a sap

Bitch (Affectionate): IM the sap? Lol

Whore (Affectionate): Yes that is exactly what I said yes :)

Bitch (Affectionate): Yes but wasn't it you who kissed me first

Bitch (Affectionate): And told me you loved me first

Bitch (Affectionate): AND

Whore (Affectionate): OK OK

Whore (Affectionate): You've made ur point I'm no better

Bitch (Affectionate): I'm glad you've finally admitted that I'm better then you, my Love

Whore (Affectionate): WOAH WOAH WOAH

Whore (Affectionate): Back the crazy train up

Bitch (Affectionate): What?

Whore (Affectionate): You think YOU'RE better then ME??

Bitch (Affectionate): Yes that is exactly what I said yes :)

Whore (Affectionate): Says the person with worse grades

Bitch (Affectionate): I sacrificed my grades for your happiness and delusion my dear <3

Whore (Affectionate): Don't be a pussy dude.

Bitch (Affectionate): The one time I try to be nice to you...

Whore (Affectionate): THATS you being nice???

Bitch (Affectionate): I try my best

Whore (Affectionate): I love you too

Bitch (Affectionate): Yayyy

Whore (Affectionate): Fuck off.

Bitch (Affectionate): Oh...

Girl that was raised by men and boy that was raised by women <3

Academic rivals for life.

Twin Sized Mattresses [Kindergarten Chatfic]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat