FUCK IT. I'm doing Incorrect Quotes.

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Honestly, this is mostly Isaiah Washington and First-Mate Prance's TikToks just in word format... and I'm not sorry about it they're funny asf!

Cindy *picks up phone*: This is Cindy-

Buggs *over the phone*: Where tf are you!?

Cindy: ...I'm visiting the elderly at a nursing home...?

Buggs: Don't lie to me! You're at that creep seniors house again aren't you!?

Cindy: ...No...

Jerome *filming a TikTok*: Brunch with the bestie

Penny: Yayy!

Jerome: These tacos got me gay asf!

Penny: Jay, I told you

Penny: People don't use gay as 'happy' anymore, that's not how it's used.

Jerome *looking back at the camera*: My bad y'all

Jerome: These tacos got me feeling bisexual asf!

Penny: Jerome no-

Billy: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!

The "Dumb" Class: ...

Billy: Damn y'all depressed asf

Ozzy: You didn't clap either-

Billy: Shut up 😃

Lily: Yeah, that didn't work out so we're back to the "talking stage" ig

Madison: Oh I hate that

Carla: The whole "what music do you like" or "where are you from" SO annoying

Lily: Like, I don't give a shit about any of that! Are we gonna get married or not!?

Alice: Yeah, fuck your hobbies, can I use your health insurance or not?

Ron: I miss when you could get married to someone without even seeing them!

Madison: I don't think the woman like that...

Ron: Yeah but the men who wrote books on that kinda stuff said it was cool

Cindy: You know what I HATE about the talking stage

Cindy: Are we technically together or single? Cuz if I'm single I'm gonna text my ex

The Girls (+Ron): *Mutual agreement*

Cindy: And if we're together, I'm gonna text my ex and feel bad about it.

Carla: Wait, isn't that why you can never get out of the talking stage?

Cindy: ...

Cindy: I am sick and tired of you DMing other girls!

Cindy's BF: Omg, I am not DMing other girls, you're being crazy.

Cindy: you know what I've had enough- seize him!

Cindy's BF: Seize me!? Wtf are you-

*Jerome and Buggs grab him by the arms and drag him away*

Monty: Damn, bro got seized.

Carla: So I was talking to... umm

Felix: Who?

Carla: ...I forget his name...

Carla: The... you know Penny's crush

Felix: Oh!

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