Trouble In Paradise pt3

61 3 1

Might be a little short but it's definitely depressing!

Lily looked up from her sketch pad to see Felix walking up to her with his hands in his pockets. They stared at each other in silence with remorse.

After a while of awkward silence, Felix spoke up. "...hey."

"Hey," they we engulfed in silence one more. "Thanks, for meeting me here on short notice."

"Yeah, always, Lily." he looked down again. It was weird seeing Felix, confident, cocky, and merciless Felix, looking down at the grass to avoid the eyes of his, soon to be ex, girlfriend.

"Um, I think you know why we're here." Lily stepped closer. Felix took a step closer as well so they were about half a foot away from each other.

Before Lily could get another word in Felix quickly yelled, "I'm sorry Lily, really." she stayed quiet. "You deserve someone better." Lily then reached out and grabbed the blondes hand and gently placed her hand on his cheek to force him to look at her.

"Hey, this isn't your fault, we just aren't meant to be together right now," she paused to search the others eyes. "I still care about you, and I want you to be happy."

"I also want you to be happy. With whoever that may be." But I wanna be happy with you.

He didn't say that part out loud.

Lily gave him a sad smile and started to take her hands off him and walk away. Suddenly Felix gently grabbed her forearm and slightly pulled her back to him.

"Can I just ask," he paused to look her in the eyes. "Is it someone else?"


"You can be honest with me! I just want to know if there is anyone,"

"There is no one!" Lily yanked her arm away suddenly and Felix felt a twinge of guilt for making her get to this point. She turned to look at him with guilt and sadness in her eyes. "I mean, I don't think there's anyone,"

Felix looked down at the ground once again already knowing what she meant by that.

"Felix, I didn't-"

"No, it's ok."

"I promise you it's not-"

"Lily. It's fine." Felix turned to walk away. Against his better judgment, he turned to look back at his, now ex, girlfriend. She had tears in her eyes and a guilty look on her face. Just seeing the girl he cared about like this caused him an unimaginable pain in his chest.

Before he was out of earshot, he looked back at Lily with a small smile and his voice, somehow, let out a small, "Have good evening, my love." before finally turning around and walking away, letting the tears he was holding in finally drop.

For anyone who's wondering why I always post these chapters so late (it's 3am where I am) I usually start these chapters in the morning and just continually work on it during the day and finish at night (insomnia's a bitch lol)

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