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We walk into the guild and Natsu runs to the request bourd. Then I relize I forgot something very important to me at his house. I yell to Natsu,
"Hey Natsu I've got to run back to your house I forgot something!"
Natsu point of view
"Ok!" I yell back and out the door she gose. I give up on a job and walk to the bar to find Erza staring at me.
"What did I do now Erza?!" I yell.
"Nothing just why did Skittles leave something at your house? Did she stay there with you?"
"Ya what of it?"
Then Ezra hits me across the room and I'm in the wall. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR ERZA!" I yell.
"Nothing all she did was crash there." But little did Erza know what I did so. The other night when she crahed I woke up to find her on the floor. So I felt bad so I scooped her up bridle style and put her in my bed. She looked so peaceful and I smiled. Then she started to stir so I did the only thing I could do I hoped in next to her and through my arm over her. She sat up and didn't leave. That's when I knew I had fell in love with her.
"Natsu hey Natsu!"
I open my eyes not relizing that I had passed out. I look up to find Happy shaking me. "You have to hurry somthing had happened to Skittles!" Tears in Happys eyes. If Happy was crying something had to be bad.
"Where is she?!"
"At home."
I run as fast as I can. I burst through the doors and run up the stairs to find the door to my apartment open. Then I see her on the ground, blood coming our of her mouth. Then I see a figure of a mad. Then the most evil grin crosses his face and he's gone. I run to her side. I shake her tying to wake her up with no response. I pick her up bridal style when something falls put of her hand. It was a necklace. It was a silver chain with a minature dragon tooth attached. The tooth was the color of a rainbow and there was also another one by it it was also a dragon tooth but is was red and orange like a flame. I pick them up and run to the guild hall. I run in and look for Wendy. I see her and ask,
"Please Wendy help her!"
Wendy nodes and we run into the infirmary. We set her on a bed and Wendy's hands start to glow. I sit there butterflys in my stomach. Wendy turns to me and shakes her hair and says,
"There's nothing else I can do to help her. She had a few broken ribs witch I fixed but she will be out for a while so don't teyvto wake her she needs her rest." And with that Wendy left. I look at her with sad eyes. Thinking who would do this to her? I will find them and I will get revenge!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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