My Secret

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We walk into the guild and everything is crazy and happy. My eyes grow wide. Happy then pokes Natsu to look at me and when he dose he rolls over laughing and right at that moment the guild hall is quiet. They all look at Natsu rolling on the floor and then as he stops they all look at me. I have never been so scared in my life. I grab Natsus scarf and hide behind him. The whole room gasped. No one had ever touched his scarf and lived before.
Natsu then looks at me and nodes. Then yells to everyone,
"Hey everyone this is my new friend Skittles and she came all this way to join our guild. So what do you say should we let her or not old man?!"
At that point in time I was very confused. Who was the old man? I looked over his shoulder and see the smallest man ever with the funkiest looking out fit ever. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.
"Welcome to fairytail my dear! I hope you will enjoy being apart of our big family."
So this guild treated everyone like family now I was staring not to be so scared. I came a little bit out from behind Natsu stood there still holding onto his scarf. Then a girl from behind the bar motions for us to come over so we walk and sit down. At that moment the guild was all loud and crazy again and I relaxed.
"Hi my name is Mira." Said the girl behind y he counter. She had long white hair and a very nice face. She also had a floor length pink dress with lase.
"So where would you like your guild mark?"
I pointed to Natsus mark.
"I want it the same place as Natsu please."
So I turned and Mira put a bright blue mark on my srm. It was my favorite color.
"How did you know?" I askd.
"Know what?"She grinned.
"Know that light blue was my favorite color?!" I gasped.
All she did was smile. Then she asked Tha one question that I was hoping wouldn't come.
"So what kind of magic do you use?"
My eyes grew wide and I looked at the floor. Natsu then touched my shoulder and look at me with a confused look. ( at the time I didn't know what magic he used eather) I then sighed and said,
"Dragon slayer magic. I use rainbow dragon slayer magic."

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