My New Friends

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I killed your father. He was staring into the sky before he died. His final wish was for me not to hurt you but I won't lissen. You will die a horrible death. With or without my help . You will bleed out slowly....

I woke up my hair drenched in sweat. I relize it was only a dream. It is 1:30 in the morning. I'm in the town of Magnolia sleeping in an Inn that cased me to use all the rest of my money.
Both of my parents are dead. They died when I was only two years of age. They where killed in a fire. But that was 15 years ago. My name is Skittles and I'm a wizard. I'm not really a wizard yet because I'm not in a guild. Buy today I hope will be the day that I join a guild. Buy not just any guild, it's called Fairytail.
3 hours later
I'm walking through the streets of Magnolia in my favorite outfit. It's a strapless light blue knee high dress. The bottom looks like flames buy in rainbow colors they are also very sparkly. I'm also wearing my light blue flats with a bow at the toe. And my hair is up to my mid bisep and it's light brown with red and blonde high lights.
I'm walking looking at all the happy people arond and at all the small business arond town. And as usual I'm not looking where I'm going and I run into somthing or let's say someone. I fall onto my butt pain now running through my behind. I grunt and look up to see a pink haired boy. He's holding out his had for me to take. I grab hold and he lifts me up. I brush off my dress.
"Thanks for the help up and sorry I bumped into you. I never look where I'm going."
"It's ok and it was my fault anyways." Says the pink haired boy. "My names Natsu Dragneel what's your name?"
"Oh my name is Skittles, Skittles Samson."
"Well its nice to meet you Skittles. Are you new around here, I've never seen you arond before."
"Yay I just came here looking for a guild. It's called Fairytail and I can't find it could you help me? I ask.
"Ya I know just where it is fallow me."
As we walk I try to memorize the way there but there's so may twists and turns that I can't keep up so I give in to the maze that is Magnolia. Then finally I see it. The guild hall of Fairytail. I jump for joy and give a very girly screem. Witch startles Natsu and we both laugh. With in five minutes of the guild I see somthing blue in the sky flying in circles. Natsu stops to see what I stopped for and looks up into the sky too. He smiles and yells up to it,
"Hey Happy come down here and meet my new friend!"
The thing then swoops down and lands on Natsus shoulder. At that moment I relize that it was a winged blue cat! I gasp and Natu laughs. Then the cats starts to talk!
"Hi I'm Happy and yes I do talk. I'm Natsus best friend so don't get any ideas lady."
"Happy don't be so rude. This is Skittles. She wants to join Fairytail."
"Ya I've been waiting for so long for this moment." Natsu then smiled and we walked in to the huge guild hall.

This is the first chapter of my New fanfiction hope you all like it and reviews and votes always welcome.

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