Chapter 7

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A World In Time
              Chapter Seven: the mastery of time

A year and six months after the start of the war that would change the world between two species, Ace Shinigami, and professor archon, will the world be safe for humans and heroes or will the world be ruled by archon. Cyborgs and technology will be the primary source for everyone while the heroes are killed off to never be seen again. Now let's see how Ace shinigami is doing with his team of heroes.
A girl with a basket is seen walking down a long hallway towards a room that has a red door that is giving off a strange menacing aura, the girl walks into the room with apples and treats but then a 18 year person walks out the closet wearing a white long coat with a black stealth suit under it, "huh?, oh....hey Rica, I see you brought treats?", the girl without reply places the basket down on the counter and looks at him before replying with, "yeah Ace, treats, but i like the new name you gave me, the old name wasn't suiting me, but besides me, what are you doing?" Rica says with interest but Ace just fixes his hair a bit before grabbing his obsidian soul katana holstering it before walking past her, "oh come on time master, stay, i have news for you" Rica says and this catches Ace's attention so he turns around, "make it quick Rica, I need to show leadership to my soldiers", "i know i know, i aint that dumb but stay on your toes, they are gonna attack you the most" Ace then walks to her with his eyes sharp, "i know that", "then go win" Rica replies back before giving him a bottle of wine. "Then go win this war for us" Ace then grabs the wine, "i will," Ace popped open the bottle of wine, drank half of it and smashed it on the ground as he step out the door, "well that's new" she sat on his bed, "I gotta finish this paper work for the council".
Meanwhile with perfessor archon:
A Kitsune girl (which are fox folk who are slaves of the towns people) ran down the hall to bring in news about Aces advancement to the capital, "PEFERESSOR ARCHON," she yells before tripping at Archons feet, she quickly grabs her papers and stragihtens herself out, " IM SO-", "SHUT IT, THIS BETTER BE GOOD, I WAS ON MY WAY TO GET THE PERFECT MASSAGE!!!" Archon rudely interrupted, "Well as the fastest person Ashe, the frontier leader is getting ready to leave out to war but the troops aren't ready for war", Ashe reported in a nervous voice, "well if he's ready then we need to be too,SO GET TO STEPPING!!". Ashe's feet trembled as she arose and dashed out the room towards the launch pad. Back at Ace's base he had gathered his soldiers to give them a speech of hope, all the soldiers gathered and lined up in 3 teams while Ace walked to the front. "Alright guys, this is our final moment, our final stand, we have waited years to bring the perfessor down and this... this is our moment. We fight for honor, no life shall be left in vain, together we fight as one". All the soldiers got into place to get ready for departure, Ace chose his elite 5 leaders to discuss a plan. "Alright elite 5, I've brought you here so we can discuss our plans for our victory for this war and probably a backup, but first let's get this out the way, most likely they are gonna send their strongest unit out to kill me so dont help me but if i'm not back within the hour then come looking for me" they all nodded, "next, we need to get into the base, "the walls are almost impenetrable but I think they build the base up upon a underground subway," number 3 said, "That's perfect me and number 1 can burst through and we'll give a signal when everything is clear," number 4 added, "Ok we need a backup plan incase everything crumbles, Ace claimed, "I'll call other cities and towns folk and ask for their assistance for aid and weapons," number 2 said. " ALRIGHT EVERYONE MOVE OUT." Back at the professor's base his hand picked out men were gearing up and getting into different groups for battle. Ashe caught up with the professor, "Uh.. Mr Archon, the troops are up to date and are almost ready to depart," ''Finally you have not disappointed me, but you lack in brain cells. I wanted them ready yesterday,BUT YET WE ARE FALLING BEHIND, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT," yelled archon, Ashe scurried off to alert all the troops to move out. Now that both people are ready it's time for the battle that shall determine destiny and break the curse upon heroes that have been kept down deep underground for centuries. 2 hours have passed by and both armies were seen walking to the battlefield but Ace felt like something was off but it was too late to think about it now, the bell struck twelve and both sides began to charge at each other but the general of Archon's army ran the fastest and so did Ace but he was unarmed.
It caught Ace of guard and he grabbed Ace lifting him into the air, "Nice now your defenceless" Ace punched him but the general launched a counter attack before headbutting and slamming him into the the ground, "your weak for declaring war", he then stomps on Ace breaking the ground sending everyone around them into the air and leaving Ace breathless falling into the pit. Ace fell right onto his back which got him to breathe again, "Holy.. that would've been the worst way to die." As Ace looked up the leader was about to stomp on Ace's head but Ace quickly stopped time but only for 4 seconds, anymore and his body would've started to burn. Time resumed but the leader was able to change the trajectory of his attack and kicked Ace to a wall. It happened so fast that not even Ace could stop time. He went flying through 3 concrete walls before gaining control, "What the hell was that, this is some bull shit," Ace reached for his obsidian katana and smashed it to the ground, The General came rushing at Ace with full speed, Ace knew he couldn't win with speed at his level so he formed a time blade. He throws it at the leader but it only scrapes him but that was enough to make his body come to a halt, "damn your extra, but.....i'ma need my few licks back" Ace began to rapidly punch him left and right and every blow, blood was splattered but that didn't last for long and the leader broke free from his halt and grabs Ace by the face, "i take it back, you are worthy of being a warm up for me, so i'll tell you my name you little rat, you will be killed by Takashi Yuroichi", Takashi slams Ace through the ground and into a subway but before they hit the ground Ace landed a jaw breaker which detached them from each other but takashi got the last blow in launching Ace into a metal bar that impales him. Ace begins to lose his thoughts as the world starts to fade and go dark but in the distance, yellow glowing eyes appear behind takashi and they just look at him, "your a time user right, then use your powers, your one of the elite five, now use that power for good and not to die in this half broken subway". With no hesitation Ace removes the metal bar from his chest and his eyes glow yellow putting a bit of fear into takashi. Ace slowly starts to walk towards him and his energy slowly starts to build around spikes up in the process but takashi was not about to allow this and punches Ace, but he eats it, "ay ay, thats breaking the anime rule 1, not letting someone transform," Ace breaks his fist and pulls him toward him and whispers, "try so counter this," In the meir blink of an eye ace releases a fury of slashes, Ace turns around and sheaths his katana. Sudden slash marks begin to appear on Takashi's body and blood splatters everywhere. Ace hears a train coming so he begins to climb out, but before he could, takashi grabs his leg. Ace swings him into a wall ten times before grabbing him by the neck and hangs him over the train tracks, "Ill fight to the bloody end" he looks into Ace's eyes and knows that he isn't playing around so instead takashi grabs Ace arm so that way he would have to move but Ace just stood there, "Takashi, you are no warrior, your just a psycho dog that needs to be put down so ima end you here and now". A mach 5 bullet train comes flying by and blood goes every, Ace soon snaps out and it and his eyes widened.
       —---end of chapter seven: the mastery of time—----

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