Chapter 5 the endless dimension

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Ace runs through what seems like an endless forest but after some running, he sees a cliff with and with nowhere to go he jumps off the cliff and he uses his time powers to slow down time before touching the ground and then he continues to run through the woods and before you know it he was in the big city. He was nervous to be back because the first thing he saw was a wanted poster of him.
While making his way downtown he happens to have money on him so he decides to have a drink like water or some coffee because if he's gonna survive then he is gonna need to stay up all night and so he walks to a 24/7 cyber latte shop.
As he walks in people look at him because of his outfit and the mark on his face, and then Ace remembers that his master told him "every time you use your time powers you will start to gain a mark on your face, and then your arm but it slowly evolves and when you use it to many times then you will go insane". It scares Ace a little but it doesn't hold him back and so he continues to walk to the counter, then the worker says, "what can I get for you today" and then Ace looks at the menu and sees a dragon paradise coffee, basically it has dragon fruit and it has actual flames in it, so then  Ace request for that one and when he gets it he stops time and walks out and time resumes.
As he walks around town he soon sees the place that he needs to be and he then climbs up to a roof, then he looks at project nation base and looks for an entry for him to break in, and when he finds one after 30 minutes of looking around and hops from roof to roof, Ace then says "it's time for the break-in" he accelerates time on himself and he super dashes into a vent.
As Ace crawled his way through the vents he overheard some guard talking  about operation absolute zero, Ace wanted to get more info about this but they heard ace shuffling in the vents so he crawled away. "This operation absolute zero must be very important, there are so many guards here, there goes my plan of coming in guns blazing". Ace found a hatch not so far away but there were too many guards patrolling the area so he stopped time to sneak away. "Ok time can resume for now", but he forgot that the hatch was still open and the security alarms went off. "CODE RED CODE RED WE HAVE A INTRUDER INSIDE THE BUILDING '', "shit, this couldn't go better". Ace took out a guard to blend in but the head general came up to him, "What's your code number soldier?''Ace was filled with panic, and he knew he couldn't just kill the general now so he had to act fast. He stopped time to run away to a safe distance but in the corner of his eye he saw something move in his world of stop time. Ace looked around in confusion but his time stop was at its limit so he quickly got to a save area. He walked into an elevator that only went down and the number began to change into a weird language, Ace clicked the button all the way at the bottom. The elevator sank to the ground so fast that Ace began to float and then the elevator reached the ground and before Ace could react, the area exploded and Ace was sent flying and his right arm was burned a bit and he crashed into a wall and he went unconscious. About 10 minutes later he woke up and he sees four people and a sign is on top of them and it said test 100483920/Emma, 293303409/Shiro, 4204830900/Michio, and test 7365828829398/Joleyn.  A portal then came from a machine that the scientist activated. Ace then looks around before realizing that he is chained up and then he tries to use his time powers and he touches the chains and speeds up time to the point were the chains were old, rusty and easy to break and so he break free from the portal pulling him, he found a vent so that he could climb in but before he can open the vent a guard comes in and bashes him through a multiple walls temporarily paralyzing his arms, with the damage of Ace being hurled through the walls, the portal was deactivated saving the the test subjects and he healed his arms, he grabs a needle and dashed to the guard impaling the beast making him bleed out. He then jumps off of his body and into the vent, but at the guard's last breathing moments he injected himself with a absolute zero substance and he turned into a titan or giant but he could not handle the form and so he inflated until his weak body exploded leaving his organs everywhere. Ace then turns around and runs into a pipe knocking himself out. He woke up for about 5 seconds to see him being injected with absolute zero prototype two by an unknown person. Some scientists poured water into the tube he was in but then he fully wakes up and then he started to bang on the tube but then the water started to fill the tube........... Ace tries to move and break the tube but can't and every bang consumes energy and his world starts to flash before his eyes but god give him one last chance his fist times golden and he smashes through the glass, he then gets up and starts walking through each room looking for some new clothes since the ones he had gave him away and as he looks around he soon sees someone standing in front of him, a male, "who are you and what do want from us" the person said, "info, that's all" ace replied, "hmpf, well you ain't getting ANYTHING", the person soon knees ace and spin kicks him into a wall but ace gets back up and takes off his hoodie and then vanishes, "what the, just who are you", the person said, "i'm your worst nightmare"
5 minutes later Ace walks into a room where all the data is stored and so he takes it, "Hmmmm,this should be it" but as he turns around the building goes into lockdown mode and the room slowly starts to collapse on itself but ace starts to make a run for it but the door closes so he times jumps to the vent only to find out that the vent was closing in on itself and so Ace has no choice but to time skip all the way through the vent and makes into a new room but as he looks around he sees the test subjects again and so he sees a BIG RED BUTTON and cant help but touch it and then a portal opens and it looks like a rift but then it starts to grow bigger and bigger and starts to suck everything in its way, Ace tries to leave the room but the rifts force is to strong and starts to pulls Ace into the rift but then the other test subjects are sucked in as well and Ace is dragged into the rift as well and the rift closes and the unknown person smiles knowing the last hero is now gone.
Ace and the other people are falling through the rift and their bodies break and bend at will and then all of a sudden Ace got split up from the others and appeared in front of a red moon but when Ace looked around he saw nothing but pitch darkness before a rift opened and he passed out.
Not to long after he wakes up back in the science room, but not knowing what happened to him he gets up but the room had collapsed or broken and when he looked around the room was broken like parts of the building was gone but what he did see was the galaxy on the outside but he refused to accept that he is stuck in this place and continues to walk; As he is walks he gets into this huge room and sees the person who put him here, "who are you, what is your name?",about 10 seconds of silence it responds with "my name is benjamin, this is my spirit body, and your trapped in my domain forever" benjamin said before Ace replies with a punch to his face but it phases right through benjamin, but then benjamin kicks ace into a wall and pins him, "your weaker than i thought, i wish you were stronger so i could at least try out my ability or maybe even let you fight my partner, she is annoying but strong" he then kneed ace in the gut before walking away and leaving ace to die but ace wouldn't allow that and so he got up and stopped time.
"What was that, sorry couldn't hear you" ace grabs his remote and opens a portal "ima find the real you and kill" ace then walked into a portal that left the void

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