Side Chapter 1 Training with the elven sisters

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"What do you mean exactly?"

"We can see the ambient mana in the atmosphere and we see you using the spell. We can also disrupt the spell if we manipulate the mana near your vocals but if we disrupt it too little there wont be an effect and if we disrupt it to strong we might conjure a wind blade that cuts dangerously close to important blood vessels."

My blood froze and I immediately deactivated the spell. ""Thank you""

"Now let's start the training. Since you can see the ambient mana and how in changes this should be easy shouldn't it?"

"It is easier for us but I would also like to know how you feel while using it. On what do you concentrate and what are intending to do?"

"I..." As I explained Alea showed up and just listened quietly. I don't know why she listened since she doesn't use sound magic but that doesn't matter.

Alea Pov:

As I waited patiently for Aya to finish I observed the boys they had only a faint mana signature. If my core would have been at a lower stage then I wouldn't have realized it. Especially the boy named Arthur hid his core so well. So it was no artifact but a technique. I have to learn it, well it shouldn't be necessary but still it might come in handy.

"So you are the boys. Who will go against me first or do you want do go at me at the same time?"

"I will go first. Your name is Alea right? My name is Nico a pleasure to meet you."

"I see a gentleman." He didn't get flustered one bit how irritating. "Thank you very much for the compliment. I hope that our spare will help me find what I am lacking."

The spar began. He held a sword I guess he is a augmenter. I can't discern it since he hides his core so well but from the weapon he must be. An earth spike flew towards me. "A conjurer with a sword?" "You have to use everything that you have" was his answer towards my rhetorical question. 'I have to agree with him. If a conjurer is pressed into close quarters combat then he has to be able to defend himself. He swung the sword with refined movement but it seems that he didn't feel right in some ways. He uses it well, very well even but he didn't like the weapon.

"Let's stop for now. You are certainly talented with the sword but you also seem to dislike the weapon. Is there any other weapon that you would prefer?"

"No none at all. I am used to using just my magic and nothing more."

"I see then what about some gloves with whom you could fight with your hands?"

"I would not recommend that since we will create some armour for us. And the armour will have gloves" said Arthur.

"But doesn't an armour slow you down if it covers everything?"

"Not this armour. I have one already but we are going to create one more for me since I don't like to show it during fights" and then he was suddenly surrounded by a black armour with golden topics. It looked majestic to say the least. He then showed us how agile he could move around while still having the armour on.

"I see, in that case some other weapon."

"I could integrate chains into your armour or change it so that your metal deviant gets a slight boost. And you could connect your weapon to your armour."

"What are you thinking about Art?"

"I am thinking of giving you a kusarigama. It is a scythe or a sickle that is fastened on a chain. You can use the sickle in close quarters or swing the whole thing around if you have enough control in something further then close quarters combat."

At the evening after every training was finished

Aya Pov:

"Hey Aya shouldn't we go and pick them up for some more bonding time with our disciples?"

"Why should we. They are good on their own."

"Is someone jealous? Is your student to talented for you to teach him? Or are you jealous towards princess Tessia?"

"For one he is still not even five years old and second you would also be disheartened if Nico would learn everything that you teach him so fast. You are lucky that your plant magic is different from his chain manipulation and that he isn't yet proficient in his usage of the strange weapon."

"You might be right but isn't such a weapon also perfect for you?"

"I can't manipulate chains so no."

"I am talking about the sickle. You are using daggers and a sword but what if you change your daggers for sickles? With your illusions you could be even more frightening."

"You might be right that it yould help me but still getting help from children doesn't sit right."

"As proud as always. Anyways I am going out and I will take them along. Please come as well."

'Why should I spend time with those monsters they are just not normal and what if they will become hostile no don't go down that road.'

Alea Pov:

"Hello boys. What do you say about a stroll around the city and something for dinner? Of course I will pay for everything."

"Hello Alea, we will if we can but we have to excuse us first. Since we normally eat dinner with the royal family. If we are allowed then yes but where are we going to eat."

"Didn't I say it already? In the city of course where else?"

"I didn't mean that I meant in which store and what kind of food is served?"

"Are you a picky eater?"

"No I am not but I want to learn more about elven culture and food is a part of that." 'It is so hard to act like a child my age.'

"I don't have a real destination or restaurant in mind let's just go."

After some time the two boys were back with the permission to leave the castle under the protection of Alea. They went to the market that served several unique plants and meats that were never served in other kingdoms. While the three were looking around, stopping from time to time to look at foods and buying some they felt a presence near them. It was Aya.

"Did you decide to come after all?" came the question from Arthur.

"You knew?" I asked surprised.

"Of course I knew. When one of you wants to do something the other one follows. But since that relationship goes both ways it is a healthy one. Plus you seemed a bit distressed when you asked us if we wanted to go out. So we guessed it was because Aya said that she didn't come today."

"Wait you spoke with each other about that? When?"

"While we were asking for permission." He shrugged and looked toward Aya.

"But since she came anyway lets do that again sometime in the future but then with everyone from the start."

We agreed on that. After some hours have passed Nico seemed to get tired but Arthur is still as energetic as always. "Don't you ever get tired?"

"No why? I don't need sleep, or food."

"Then why did you eat so much and sleep so long every day."

"Just because I don't need it doesn't mean I don't want to do it or do you need to eat sweats?"

Defeated I could just agree with his statement and brought them back to the palace. We decided to do this every week or at least every three weeks.

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