Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - The Last Revelation

"SeeD," the words came like a hiss from the elevated throne. "SeeD .. SeeD" she continued, casting the words to the mid day sky. An intricate design of golden coils decorated her throne, the room and her face. They were all together in monstrous unison, in unnatural splendor.

She sat up and smiled wearily at the congregation. She was horrific to the sight in a flaming red dress graced by raven feathers and tentacles.

For Rinoa it was then that the realization finally hit home.

Ultimecia was the one they were destined to destroy. Rinoa had not faced the truth until now but finally there was no avoiding it anymore. It was her, not Quistis, not a misunderstanding, not a mistake. The woman who had taken her in so kindly and held her in motherly embrace . . was a demon.

"So you are the SeeD destined to destroy me," Ultimecia said drowsily. She was a mass of contradictions. Whereas her attire suggested flamboyancy her face and voice suggested the unwillingness of one forced to play a role which no longer fit.

"Squall Leonhart," she continued. "Squall Loire, one and the same. Destined to destroy the villainous sorceress with my Rinoa by his side."

She stood up then and nodded.

"I see. So finally the mist over Winhill has kleared and we see each other in our respektive roles."

"Ultimecia," Squall began. "There are no roles, there is no destiny. You have taken over the world because you chose to not because you were forced to."

She laughed, breaking into a series of helpless giggling fits.

"There is no hope for me, SeeD . ..Squall. Choice is an illusion. I will fight for time kompression even though I know I am destined to fail."

"That too is your choice, yours alone," Squall replied.

That irritated her. Her wings flared out from behind her back and she levitated into air.

"I will exterminate your friends first. Griever! Attakk." She called as she cast a silver orb into the ground. The floor cracked open. Underneath Rinoa and Squall the island of rock lifted high into the sky where a black lion appeared. A fiery mane surrounded his head as he bobbed in mid air, half man half beast.

"The ultimate guardian force," Rinoa whispered in awe as she struggled to get up from her knees. She saw Squall boldly draw his gunblade beside her. He was fearless. With his free hand he pulled her to her feet.

"Come sorceress Rinoa, hold your place here beside me."


Ultimecia turned back to the remaining SeeDs and chuckled.

"Kurse all SeeDs. Swarming like lokusts akross generations. You disgust me."

"Shut up," Irvine ordered as he pointed his Exeter her way and began to riddle her with bullets. Yet the metal had no effect upon her as they dissolved into her shield like raindrops into the ocean. From behind the SeeDs, Quistis was bending over the edge of the hole where she helped Seifer back onto steady ground.

Ultimecia stepped forward, purposely scaring the wits out of the three teenagers as she flaunted the futility of their efforts.

"Your vain krusade ends here, SeeDs."

With one hand she cast hell's judgement on the three. The ground beneath them glowed a bright yellow and drained the life energy from the warriors. She smirked and aimed to cast holy on Selphie when Irvine shoved her out of the way. He collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

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