Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - A Moonless Sonata

" . . .. nice. . .sea. . Garden." Zell said to Antha as they stood face to face in front of the library.

". . .book. . . reading. . . .yes. . ." she replied.

Zell scratched his head as he suddenly caught sight of Rinoa and Squall walking down the hall.

"Squall! Rinoa! Over here!" he hollered. He saw Squall turn around unwillingly as Rinoa stood a few steps behind him.

Zell took one last look at Antha.

"Go . . .sorry." he said to Antha who nodded, her pigtails bobbing up and down. Zell ran over to Squall and Rinoa.

"If you are going to Balamb I'm coming with you."


"The SeeDs are rotten this time of year," Seifer commented sarcastically, glancing out the window.

"Seifer," Raijin began, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Burn it down," Seifer muttered. "Burn this goddamn place to the ground if they don't comply."

"With all the people inside?" Raijin asked with uncertainty.

"SILENCE" Fujin said finally in irritation.

"Yeah what she said," Seifer muttered absently.

"Sheesh," Raijin answered and began to walk away. He picked up his fishing pole and left the room.

"Where's he going?" Seifer asked barely moving from his comfortable place by the window.

"FISHING," Fujin said shaking her head.

"Yeah and I'm not coming back," Raijin threatened.

"GOOD," Fujin countered.

Raijin slammed the door to the Galbadian Garden and left. Fujin turned back to Seifer. He was looking out the window remorsefully at the setting sun.

"It's the sorceress Rinoa isn't it?" Fujin asked which surprised him.

"You talk?"

"When I feel like it."

"I'm honored."

"Answer the question."

"No it's not Rinoa," Seifer replied crossing his arms over his chest. "It's her little pussy wuss friend."

"Squall Leonhart," Fujin answered.

"It's just not so fun anymore, this rivalry. It used to be nice, you know, back when I had a posse."


Seifer chuckled sarcastically.

"Back when I was still myself. . .it used to be nice."

"I'll be a part of your posse, if you would like Seifer." Fujin offered. "If it's that important to you."

Seifer shrugged. "You know, Maggie and Roger used to tell me what to do. They used to yell at me when I got led astray. I should have taken her advice and left Rinoa alone. You and Raijin, you can't do this for me. I'll never have another posse."

Seifer got up and left.


"I'm sorry," the guard said at the entrance of Balamb, "no one is allowed in. This town is under Galbadian control."

"But I live here!" Zell exclaimed in fury. Zell punched the air with his fists as though he was preparing to attack the guard but Squall grabbed him and pulled him aside.

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