Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Song of the Siren

Seifer Almasy was never one to fear Duel Hill, as some of the Garden students called it. He had always walked this path eagerly, itching to slit open someone's pride with his flashing gunblade. Today however, he felt nervous. He clenched his right hand around the reassuring weight of his gunblade. It felt different, walking this rugged path up to the clearing at the top of the mountain today. For once he began to feel a measure of doubt. Maybe he would be better off if he turned back and went to the safety of the Garden.

Seifer stalled for a while, dusting his pants free of the nonexistent dust. He looked back at the rocky path down. He had never retreated before. Why was it so hard to keep pressing forward? Yet, it was pointless to try and fool himself into thinking of it as another duel. This was a meeting he had put a lot of thought into. The outcome could change his life forever. One dream, one chance.

Seifer stepped courageous over the rocky divide into the crater where he had won so many duels in the past. Yet today his opponent was not armed.

"Rinoa, you're early." He said.

She got up lazily from the place where she was crouching. She tossed her hair back and straightened her dress. She looked up at him with a expression of absolute seriousness. "So, have you made your decision, Seifer? Edea and I are not about to wait forever." She pressed her lips together and placed her hands on her hips.

Seifer scratched his head. "The SeeD exams . . ." he began.

Rinoa sighed and threw her hands up in disgust. " Seifer, you will never be a member of SeeD. They will never let you. Can't you see that they've sabotaged your future since the moment you stepped foot in Garden? You are a gifted warrior, you have never lost a duel, never stepped down from a fight. Yet, year after year, idiots, one group each more dull-witted than the one before are recruited into SeeD. Give up on SeeD, Seifer, you are just wasting your time." Rinoa suddenly quieted down as she bit her lower lip in a look of sadness.

"Think back to the summer we spent together, Seifer. Remember your dream? I always told you that I knew that if anyone deserved the love of the world it would be you. Well, now the opportunity is banging at your door. If you turn your back on me now the door will be closed. Silent forever."

Seifer said nothing. He turned to her, seeing her standing there, innocent, pure as virgin snow. No wonder she was Edea's most prized companion. She truly earned her title as the Angel of Death. Just as well as he knew, that as much as he hated being manipulated by her, that he really did love her.

Seifer said nothing for a moment before he finally spoke again, sounding more like himself.

"Rinoa, two days is all I ask. Will you give me two days to make this decision while will alter my future forever?"

Rinoa drew back and nodded. "Yes Seifer, you should take your time and think. Remember that you can never turn your back on Edea. No one is allowed into the confidence of a sorceress and allowed to leave afterwards." She smiled suddenly. "But look on the bright side, you'll be with me forever." She reached over and took him by the arm, caressing him gently with her fingertips as a playful smile played on her pale lips. "That is what you want isn't it? Summer after summer, together forever."

Seifer tried to draw his arm back but found that she held him tight. He smirked at her, trying his best to appear as confident as he always used to be.

"I'm not doing this for you, Rinoa. This is for my dream remember?"

She laughed as though he had said something utterly hilarious. Reaching over, she kissed him running her fingers through his short golden hair. When he finally pulled back she kept him close, his lips an inch away from hers.

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