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"It must have been tough for both of you." You whispered thinking deeply.

"Yes, it was. But I am relieved knowing that he's going to be okay with you." He smiled.

"Unnie, I want to go out." Hyun ran into your arms suddenly.

"Aren't you tired?" You asked placing her in your lap. She shook her head.

"Alright. Jungkook, would you please order some food? She wants to go out and I don't think I'll be able to cook after I return." You said.

"I can cook well Y/n. You want to give it a try?" Dad asked.

"You cook well? I'd love to give it a shot dad! Jungkook got his cooking skills from you, I see. So, the two of you can spend some time together while cooking and I'll be back in an hour." You told looking at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, you should also go with them. I'll manage here." Dad suggested and he nodded.

You were walking on the footpath holding Hyun's tiny hand in yours. She was so amazed by the beauty of the streets and so were you. The aroma of delicious food was mixed in the air making everything seem so perfect.

Three of you wandered for an hour around the place and tried some of the snacks. Hyun was full because she tasted a lot of spicy food and then drank a lot of water.

Three of you were returning to the home when you spotted an anonymous vehicle coming in your direction at an extremely high speed. You thought the car would turn in another direction but instead, it approached you. You panicked and couldn't even move away when Jungkook pulled two of you at the side making you crash into some fine stones. The car almost crashed into the wall when the driver pulled the brakes.

"Sorry guys." The tipsy guy yelled and drove away.

"Hyun, are you okay?" You asked checking her from head to toe. She nodded.

"Jungkook, are you fine?" You panicked. He helped you stand up. He had got some scratches on his arm and faint blood spots were visible through his white sweatshirt.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" He asked turning you around.

"I'm fine. I got some minor wounds maybe." You told.

"Let's get home." He said.

Minutes later, you reached home and asked Dad to have dinner by himself. You told them what happened on the way and he understood.

Changing Hyun's clothes, you patted her to sleep on one side of the bed.

"Let me see your scratches." You told Jungkook dragging him to the washroom.

"I'm okay." He sighed but you were quick enough to remove his sweatshirt. There he was, half-naked in front of you.

"Ah! You got so many scratches on your back and shoulder." You almost cried.

"It's not even hurting." He spat.

"Why do you get hurt while protecting me all the time?" You finally burst out.

"What did I do? I was saving you two. That drunkard almost killed you and Hyun." He yelled a bit.

"Let me treat them." You mumbled cleaning his scratches with a wet wipe. He hissed in pain.

"Don't get hurt Jungkookie! You're someone so important to me." You said hugging him tightly.

"You should be careful too." He said hugging you back.

"You know what?" You started.


"Your body is so hot. Why did I never notice?" You spoke shamelessly making him go red at your comments.

"You're indeed so lusty Y/n." He said wearing his clothes.

"Don't wear that!" You shouted.

"Why? I feel cold." He replied.

"I want to touch you." You said smacking your lips and making him choke in the air.

"Why are you becoming so shameless with each passing day? Gosh!" He said smacking your forehead.

"Please, let me touch your abs once. Please? I won't ask for more." You whined almost climbing on him.

"I said no." He scolded and left. You sighed in annoyance.

"Where will I sleep? You will sleep on the bed, right?" He asked looking around.

"You can also join. Hyun is sleeping at the side. I'll sleep in the middle. You can sleep beside me." You suggested.

"No, not possible. You're so high on your desires these days." He mumbled.

"What do you even mean by that? I was just joking?" You yelled mad making Hyun wake up from her sleep. She looked around with a pout on her lips and started to sob.

"Oh my god! You woke her up." Jungkook panicked looking at her crying.

"You made me yell." You replied mad and went to her.

"Why are you crying baby?" You asked making her sit in your lap.

"I want mom." She cried.

"Baby, mom is not here. You've come with us to Grandpa's, right?" You reminded her and she slowly nodded wiping her tears.

"Unnie, I want to play." She whined.

"It's time to sleep. We will play in the morning." You told lying beside her and signaling Jungkook to join you.

"I feel so bored." She pouted.

"You're just 3. How can you say you're bored?" Jungkook said plopping beside you and turning off the lamps.

"Unnie?" She called and you hummed.

"Where is your baby?" She asked.

"Baby? You're my baby." You chuckled.

"No, your baby. Oppa and yours." She said making you pause.

"We don't have a baby Hyun." You told.

"Why?" She asked madly.

"Because we have you. You're our baby." You laughed nervously. She sighed madly.

"Bring your baby. I want to play with someone." She ordered.

"But we don't have a baby Hyun." Jungkook intervened.

"I asked mom and dad to buy me siblings but they don't bring me one." She told making you and Jungkook giggle.

"Why are you two laughing? I want you to buy your baby and ask him to play with me." She said kicking in the air.

"She's so cute." Jungkook murmured covering both of you with a blanket.

"I'll ask your mom to buy one. Now sleep, okay?" You kissed her cheeks and patted her to sleep.


Mr. Professor [A Jeon Jungkook FF]Where stories live. Discover now