Telling Lies & College Guys (BoyxBoy)

Start from the beginning

Miles leaves me to myself, giving me time to unpack my last things. Once I'm done the room finally feels like a place I can live in for a year or so. "Guess my job here is done." I tell myself, smiling proudly at my work. But before I can rest and call it a day- even if it is only noon- there’s one last thing I have to find out, said thing led me here in the first place.

“Mate, you gotta come see this! Two dudes are getting in a fight! “Miles calls to me from the doorway. I get a quick glance at the excitement on his face and know I can’t miss out on this. I’ve been in my fair share of fights and I’m not about to miss what might be the best one of the year.

I’ll just reschedule my search for another time.

I follow the Aussie out to the common area where sure enough a group of guys stand crowded around something.  Every once in a while I’ll catch a glimpse of what’s happening.

“Damn that kid is really getting beat up!” A guy in the group tells another.

“Nah, he’s fine. Aiden can take a punch.” The guy replies. Just as he says this I hear a sickening thud. “Told you.”

“Take it back you little shit!” Someone growls from inside the circle.


I stand on my tip toes, trying to catch a glimpse of what’s happening, or at least who the people are but all I can see are the top of their heads. The shortest, who I presume to be Aiden, has pale blonde, while the taller is a dirtier blonde. I think dirty blond throws another punch because Aiden is lost in the sea of yelling guys.

“What did he do?” I ask Miles, who’s eyes are fixed on the scene in front of us, full of concern.

He chews on his chapped lip and without even looking away he answers, “He slapped the bigger guy’s ass and said he’d like to tap that.”

I crinkle my brow in confusion. “Well isn’t that a compliment?” I know I’d love it if that happened to me. Especially since from what I can see, which isn’t too much but, Aiden isn’t the worst person to slap your ass.

“Not if you know Rick. He’s the biggest homophobe I know. I thought I escaped him after high school, but I guess not.”  Miles sighs, running a tan hand though his hair. “I just hope he finds other people to fuck with rather than making my life hell again.”

This raises my curiosity. “Wait, are you gay?” If he is then I’ll have the best time ever here. Girls love sexy gay guys and-

No Reed remember the plan.

 “No, I’m not gay.” He answers, crushing my spirit. “But I am pansexual.”

Now were back in business.

“That’s like bi right?” I’m pretty familiar with the term but I’m still a little hazy on the subject.

He nods, still staring at the fight. “Mmh, but we don’t really see the gender as an attraction; it’s what’s on the inside.”

 I go to respond but a scream has the whole room silent. All eyes land on an older man, one of the dad’s probably. “This need to stop right now.”  The crowd groans, not wanting to stop, but knowing it was for the best. Soon as they thin out I catch a much better glimpse of Aiden and Rick.

When seeing the true size difference between the two it’s almost scary. Rick has to be at least two times bigger. Aiden seems like he couldn’t hurt a fly and judging from his bloody nose and how Rick doesn’t seem to have a scratch, Aiden didn’t.

Rick escapes the scene.

“Should we go talk to him?” I mumble to Miles, then realizing he had already taken off to see the boy. I chuckle and follow. “Hey!”

Aiden’s blue eyes meet mine. “Hi.” The blood from his nose trickles down past his lips and he crinkles his face in disgust.

“Here, come to the bathroom. We can get you all cleaned up okay.” Miles places a hand on the small of his back, leading him down the no longer crowed hallway. We reach the bathroom. Aiden plops himself on a sink, kicking his legs. If it weren’t for all the cuts and blood I’d imagine him to actually be quite adorable. As Miles begins cleaning him up Aiden decides he can now talk.

“I’m Aiden!”

Miles is too busy clearing up his face to respond so I do instead. “Reed.”

“I’d like to fuck you both.”

My eyes snap open wide.

Did he just say what I think he did? Holy shit! I never expected him to say something like that so casually. Apparently neither did Miles because he’s frozen inches away from Aiden, biting his lip a little too hard.


“Heh, how about you two go crazy. I’m good for now.” I wink at Miles, whose cheeks are now a burning red color. Perfect.

Aiden giggles and runs a finger down Miles chest. “I’m up for it, if you are.”

If this actually happens Miles owes me big time.

“I’m uh,” he stutters, not being about to form the words. I chuckle just watching the two.

“You’re what?” Aiden licks his bottom lip slowly, making sure to get the point across that he was indeed ready to do dirty things.

Miles’ cheeks get redder- if that was even possible. “Saving myself.”

The boy’s lips turn down into a pout. “Fine, I’ll get you one day but for now we can be friends.”

“Am I included in that friendship?” I butt in; knowing the three of us could get along quite well.

Aiden nods excitedly. “Hells yeah! We’re going to be like the sexy hot group!”

I chuckle still not believing all that was coming out of a guy’s mouth who could still pass for twelve. “Awesome, guys I do believe college is going to be a very good time.”

Miles nods, still staring at Aiden. “Oh yeah.” 


Also I think i'm going to make the chapters in this longer and update once a week. It's just that I'm working on another stoy with a friend and I'm more interested in that one. Once it's finished I'll update faster.

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