"Now Perseus, any questions you have for us? I will answer them to the best of my abilities, but after that, I would like for you to do a favor for me, is that acceptable?" Oromis asked kindly.

Perseus just nodded, having a feeling that what would happen next, would be both informative and extraordinary.

"Where am I? Why am I here? How did I get here? You mentioned a name earlier, Galby or something, who is that? Why did you think I was with them? Why can't I remember anything? How and why did you all become Dragon Riders? Is that some kind of real big honor? Who am I? I remember two people calling me Perseus, as well as being called the son of Poseidon, but I am not sure who they were, or what that name is supposed to mean. Is that my name? What about the other name? What's the favor for you? What is in that box over there?" Perseus shot question after question towards the elves, while pointing towards the box, containing, unbeknownst to him, three dragon eggs. Oromis took a moment to gather his thoughts, and to formulate his answers in a satisfactory explanation.

"Very well then, I shall explain to you what I know, or what I suspect. However, keep in mind, that truthfully, we don't really know much about you, and I will explain why. This land, has long been named as Alagaësia, it's home to many creatures, some of those being Humans, Urgals, Werecats, Dwarves, Elves, and even a small amount of Dragons. There are also many magicians in Alagaësia. We don't know why you are here, or how you got here. We were in the middle of a war meeting, when a meteor fell from the sky, upon crashing into the forest clearing outside of our meeting hall, we found you in the crater. You were crawling out of it. Your body was in terrible shape, scars and cuts all over your body. Some looked quite old, along with some dried, old, crusted blood on you. As for how you got into the rock, well, that is something you may have to figure out on your own.

Galbatorix, was once a dragon rider as well, before he betrayed us all, and slaughtered many of our fallen friends. Dragon riders, are a group of powerful magicians, humans and elves, who bonded to dragons upon their hatching. For many millennia, we kept peace and order in the land. Yes, being a Dragon Rider, is quite the honor, and it's quite rewarding as well. I have been a rider for many centuries and I have never been happier. We don'; know your name, and the name Poseidon has no meaning to any of us. I think those two people from your memories might be your parents, but I cannot say for certain. I'm sorry. My favor that I want you to do for me, is to touch these three dragon eggs, in the chest behind us. I have a feeling one of them will hatch for you." dumping a load of information on him, Perseus was reeling. His head was hurting. (4)

"Surely you're joking?! I'm relatively a stranger, and you're letting me touch three precious possessions of yours?" Perseus said, the incredulity in his voice obvious. Apparently it was one thing Vrael agreed with him on, for he spoke up next.

"Oromis, this is madness! I'm still not unconvinced this boy is trustworthy. His story is far to loose and he is far to powerful. He is to unknown, and a total stranger. Entrusting him with a dragon, could lead to another Galbatorix, one who is far more vile and powerful than the one we currently have now! I cannot, as leader of the order, abide by this!" his voice was thick with anger and disgust.

"Vrael, you saw his memories, just like the rest of us. You felt his emotions about each situation, you have seen and felt his heart. I trust this boy. As does everyone else, even Umaroth seems to have no fears or doubts about him. This boy is a blessing, Vrael. Yes, he's powerful, and yes, he's got some anger and hatred deep within him, however, I believe, with the right guidance and instruction, he can tame or curb that. We should not let this opportunity go to waste. He can be a very good ally. Trust in us, Vrael. I know you have been shaken by Galbatorix's and his Forsworn's betrayal, but you need to believe there is still good in this world, vinr. Give the boy a chance. He won't disappoint you." Oromis spoke to Vrael in his mind.

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