Chapter 218 - Shot heared around The World

Start from the beginning

"Nah, she just said that you had a girlfriend," she said, "But when I started to grill her about it, she simply changed the subject and avoided saying anything else about it, "It's Eve business, if you want to know ask her."

She looked at me.

"Wait...does this mean that I know the person you're dating?" she said, surprised.

"Don't you have a Job to get ready for?"

"Right," Sakura said slamming her fist into her palm, "I almost forgot about it. We'll talk when I get back alright..."

She gave me a quick hug before making her way toward where Fairy Hills was...shaking my head lightly, I turned to walk the direction of where the guildhall was...


I turned again, facing Sakura and she had this look upon her face.

"Love you sis," she called out.

I stared at her surprised for a few moments and then smiling lightly.

"Love you too Cherry Blossoms," I called back.

"Hey you promised you'll never call me that,"

I stuck my tongue out to her and she did her own in return before laughing and waving at me. I waved back at her before making my way back to the guild.

Fairy Tail was packed yet again with people going on and out about their business. There were many other wizards just laughing and hanging about. I noticed a few of the guys around as I made my way toward where Erza was. She looked up as I approached.

"Hey," I smirked taking a seat beside her.

"Did you take care of what you wanted to," she asked.

I nodded.

"Yep and Mui stopped by for a visit."

She seems surprised, "Mui?"

"He is aware of what I am," I told her, "Since I kind of saved him against the Future version of Sakura back during the Eclipse thing. He told me something strange as well. Dark guilds have been disappearing lately."

Erza frowned lightly.

"Disappearing?" she repeated.

I nodded.

"The strange thing was...all of the guilds that were affected were the ones under Tartaros," I continued, "With what we learned during our last Job."

Erza seems to be thinking a little about it.

"It would be a logical way of looking at it," she said, "With how little we know about Tartaros in the first place. This situation is going to become quite problematic soon. Let's hope the Council will be up to the task of actually stopping this before it becomes even more dangerous."

"Yeah," I mumbled, "Let's hope."

Erza looked at me for a few moments probably wondering what was going on with me. I decided to breach the subject that Sakura and I were speaking just a few minutes ago.

"Say, can I talk to you about something?"

She nodded, "We are talking right now you know."

"Yeah but not here," I told her, "C'mon, let's go on a walk."

Erza followed after me and soon enough, the two of us were walking together through the streets of Magnolia. The redhead was curious about what I wanted to say.

"What is it Eve?" she asked, "Did something happened with Mui?"

", it's not that," I told her shaking my head, "its about...well, it's about our relationship."

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