33: Not Ideal

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It was an elated but fairly knackered group that stepped back onto the dock in the late afternoon. Koh Tao translates to 'Turtle Island' in English, and so it was fitting that––amongst all the starfish and Christmas tree worms, seahorses, trumpetfish, black-tip reef sharks, sea anemones, angelfish and all sorts of eels and rays and crabs––they'd had the very real pleasure of spending a dreamy subaquatic twenty minutes with a majestic, unperturbed green turtle to finish the day.

"That turtle was fucking beautiful, bro," said Dang, as they traipsed tiredly up the white path that led to their bungalows. "Did you notice how shit some of the coral was though?"

"Yeah, dude," said Will. "A lot of it was all white and dead. I saw that."

"I saw that shit too," said Frenchy. "It's crazy. To be aware of global warmin' and all that, and then to actually see the effects of it like that. Made me sad."

"Hm," said Hugo. "I'm not a greenie, but I guess it's because this exotic underwater environment is actually quite familiar to us, you know––through documentaries and stuff––so we kind of have this mental picture of what it'll be like in the flesh. Then, when you're actually here, and see the reality... I mean, I suppose we're in a super touristy spot, so the reefs are going to be a bit fucked and haggard, but still, it's lame."

"Nice turtle though," said Dang again.

"Yeah," said Frenchy, as he and Charlie stepped up onto the deck of their bungalow and he pulled out the key and fitted it to the the lock. "Shame the poor thing's gonna end up full of plastic bags and old Roy Bon sunglasses."

LILY LARKIN: So. The other night was fun.

CHARLIE GREEN: Yeah. It was. Frustrating though.

LILY LARKIN: Frustrating???

CHARLIE GREEN: Yep. Frustrating.


CHARLIE GREEN: Well, I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm unable to articulate how much I wanted to kiss you.

CHARLIE GREEN: This is strictly the beer talking you undrstand. PS. We saw a green turtle today.

LILY LARKIN: HAHAHA are you out and about tonight? Congrats on the turtle spot by the way. They're so great huh?

CHARLIE GREEN: Yeah, they're awesome. I don't know how to act around you. It's so nuts. I mean, I LOOOOOVE hanging out wit you, and we haven't known each other that long. And I'm trying to be a gentleman regarding the whole boyfriend situation, but all I want to do when I'm arounf you is kiss youy and then prbably do other ruder things with you andf keep on doing them for an extended period of tiume. It's all very frustrating.

CHARLIE GREEN: Excuse the spelling errors, but I've got to get it all out before my common sens gets back.

CHARLIE GREEN: Sorry if that's not somwthing you wanna hear, but I swear you feel the same. You know when you can literally feel someone reciprocating your vibe? Does that make sense?

LILY LARKIN: Boy oh boy! Good going on throwing all that out. Ummmm, I should talk to you about the latest developments regarding my situation. How about breakfast tomorrow?

CHARLIE GREEN: Brekkie would be great. I might be a delicate flower judging by how things ave started, so if the news isn't of the good kind then go gently wih me.

LILY LARKIN: HAHAHA ok! See you tomorrow at 9:30?

CHARLIE GREEN: Yup. Sounds good. Where?

LILY LARKIN: How about Coco Loco? On the beach?

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