They halfway out the door

Scorpion: Well, we better get to the library! Got to go! Bye! 

They closes the door

Baby Bat: [screeches]

Eda: We got this, right?

The baby bat flies out of the basket and into Eda's face

Eda: Whoa!

She audibly falls

Luz and Scorpion POV

Cut to the streets of Bonesborough, where Luz and Scorpion is struggling to walk with them load. They passes Tinella Nosa, carrying a book as big as Luz and Scorpion

Luz: Huh? Whoa.

They watches Tinella Nosa pass, nearly drops her books. They catches them and continues on for a few steps until she sees the library across the street

Luz: Whoa!

Cut to the inside of the library as they enters

Scorpion: Holy shit, The library is huge.

The book pile glows green and begins floating forward

Luz: Huh?

Each book flies through a red spell circle

Librarian: Late.


Librarian: Late.


He grabs the last book as Luz and Scorpion walks to the desk

Librarian: Coffee, grass and bloodstains? These are Eda's, aren't they?

Luz: Huh. That was a crazy night.

He sighs

Librarian: I'll put them on her tab.

He summons a scroll and writes on it

Librarian: By the way, we're closing early for the Wailing Star meteor shower.

Scorpion: Ooh. What's that?

Librarian: You're in a library. Read a book.

His scroll rolls up and disappears

Luz: I am in a library. I will read a book.

They runs off

Librarian: Shh!

Cut to a banner reading "Demon Decimal System DO NOT FEED." Luz and Scorpion rounds the corner and walks up to the growling card catalogues, feeding one a gum ball

Luz: Bloop.

It gladly chews it for a few seconds before barfing up notecards. Cut to a study area, where several Hexside students are reading. Luz and Scorpion, standing on the balcony above them, grabs onto one of the dozens of books flying around

Luz: Wow!

They screaming

People: Shh!

They screams

Scorpion: Sorry!

Cut to the reference section, where witches are watching things on crystal balls. One is watching a "HOW TO FLY" video, another is watching a piano cat parody, and a third is stuck on a loading screen, dial-up internet noises emitting from it. The last witch slaps the crystal ball a few times. Luz and Scorpion is watching them from around a bookshelf

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