~ 9 || His ex? ~

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It is the next morning and you wake up. You feel arms around you so you turn around and see K sleeping peacefully. He looks so cute. You smile and close your eyes and you feel him move. He groans and open his eyes.

You look at him and he smiles at you.

"Good morning beautiful." He says

"Good morning sleepy head."

"How did you sleep?" You ask.

"Pretty good, you're comfy."

You ruffle his hair and turn back to him.

"Let's get up and eat. I convinced Rui and Ming to let us stay another day, so if you want we can stay here another day and chill maybe."

He nods and you two get up and walk outside to the kitchen.

"Good morning y/n, goodmorning K!" Your parents greet you.

"Good morning." K replies.

You just wave and smile since that's what you always do and you walk to the kitchen.

"Shall we make pancakes?" You ask.

"If you're down i'm down"

You laugh and you motion him to come over so you can start. You grab a bowl and all necessary ingredients and you two start pouring them in step by step.

When the mix was ready, you dipped your finger in it and smeared it on K's nose.
You start laughing and he looks at you like "really" and he dips his finger in it and wipes it on your nose as payback. You slap his shoulder and he laughs.
You pour the pancake batter on a pan and you wait for it to cook. K looks at you and he goes to the pan after awhile.

"Y/n, look!!"

He flips the pancake in the pan without using the spatula by throwing it in the air.
You clap an laugh and then you pour in the second pancake. While you wait for that to cook you stood with your back against the counter and K is standing infront of you. You hug him and he wraps his arms around your waist and you quickly peck him on the lips as a joke and he looks at you and pouts meaning he wanted another one, so you kiss him and didn't pull away. You got the smell of something burning and your mom came in and laughed.

"Get a room you two, the pancake is burning."

She grabs the spatula and flips it and throws it away.

"Whoops, sorry mama." You laugh

After awhile, the pancakes were finished and you guys sat down and started to eat.

"Yah K, shall we take a walk out here later?"

"Sure, let's go for it."

You guys sit in your room all day watching TV, playing games and lots of other stuff. Spending quality time is what you two enjoyed most, so you made the most out of the time you guys got and we're able to spend together. It was around 5 pm and you two decided to go walk around. You wore matching outfits and you went to a nearby mall. There you guys got icecream and did tons of fun stuff together, however you see many angry K fans who are still mad that you're dating K. You tried your best to ignore them and enjoy the time you're spending with K. You were walking hand in hand when suddenly someone pulled your hair causing you to fall back.

"What the fuck" You say.

You see K turning around looking angry and you turn around to see a female fan of K's. She looks and you and mouths "bitch" and she pours water on you. She then kicks you and walks away. K looked mad but before he could say or do anything you get up and run after that girl. You push her to the ground and you start to punch her. She starts to scream and you pull her hair until K pulls you off and that girls friend pulls her away. K looks at you and brings you away.

"Baby, it's okay. Calm down. I know who she is i'll press charges against her for hurting my girlfriend."

You hug him and start to sob and you apologize over a million times cause you were scared to get him in trouble but you were so angry that those fans keep bothering you. He assures you that everything is okay and you didn't get him in trouble and you slowly calm down.

"You're all wet, here take this."

He hands you his hoodie and you put in on and you guys walk back to your house. By then it was already around 9 pm so you take a shower and you see him watching tv on your bed.

"Go shower love" You say

He nods and gets up and goes to the shower and you hear the shower turn on. After awhile he comes out with wet hair. God he looks so good, you thought. You were pretty tired especially after everything that happened so once again you cuddled up to him and you guys watched a show and slowly you started to fall asleep. In the morning, you guys say bye to your parents and go back to ZGDX's base. You missed Tong Yao so you were beyond excited to see her again. Once you arrive you run to Tong Yao and hug her.

"I missed youuu, i have so much to tell you oh my god." You say

"Oh my, you better start spilling right now." She says and pulls you up to your room.

There you tell her everything. How your parents liked K, about the burning pancake and even about that angry fan. She listens to you and you guys talk about a ton of things. It seems as if time flies cause after you guys' talk it was already 7 pm, so it was dinner time. You guys go down for dinner and start eating. Halfway through you guys'  meal, the doorbell rings and you go to answer. You open the door to see another girl standing there.

"Hi, who are you?" You ask

"Oh hi, i'm K's ex. Can I talk to him?"


Have a good day everyone 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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