~ 8 || Your parents.~

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As you two notice that the live was still on you quickly move out of the camera and you look at K apologetically and mouth "i'm so sorry."
He looks at you reassuringly and nods his head to tell you not to worry.
He quickly goes to his computer and sits back down.
Comments were flooding the live, both bad and good ones. Some people were very mad about it and some were being actually supportive to your surprise.

He's sitting there awkwardly when he finally sighs and starts to talk.

"Hi guys, i apologize for what you had witnessed but eventually you were going to find out. No, i did not plan to tell you like this. Anyways, i'm dating y/n. I do not appreciate any hate towards her, so do not harass her on Weibo or any other social media platform. Thank you. Bye now."

He shuts the live off and looks at you.

"Hey, y/n, it's okay. I promise. I was going to tell them either way one day, it'll all be okay."
He says and pats your head.

He then pulls you into a hug and you hug him back. You two stay like that for awhile. Then after a few minutes the others come down to check on you guys.

"IS EVERYTHING OKAY?" Everyone blurts out at the same time.

"Yes, everything's fine."
"I'll talk to the agency tomorrow or something, I'm sure it'll be fine." K says.

Everyone nods silently and K looks at you.

"Do you want to go on a walk love?"

You nod happily and you two get up and go outside.
K grabs your hand so you two can walk holding hands. As you're walking you see tons of people outside giving you dirty looks but you ignore them. You look at him and you say

"Are you sure it's gonna be okay?"

He looks at you and nods.

"It was okay with Cheng, so i don't see why not."

"When do you have to talk to the agency?"

"I'll go tomorrow, you'd have to come with."

You gasp.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, they're gonna want to talk to you."

You nod. You guys then walk back to the ZGDX base and sit down.

"Go get some rest, we'll go early tomorrow."

"Okay, by the way, do you want to come meet my parents tomorrow? I'm going to visit later in the day when you're done at the agency, you can come with if you'd like !" You say.

"Yeah sure, tomorrow is an off day anyway. Let's go!"

You smile and you hug him.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight beautiful."

You quickly peck him on the lips and go upstairs to sleep. You were very nervous for tomorrow but you managed to fall asleep.

It is morning and you're getting ready to go to the agency. You and K took a taxi and are on your way. He holds your hand as a sign of reassurance and you guys make your way in and sit down.

"Goodmorning ." You all say.

"K, do you want to stay in a relationship? You know how the fans are." They say.

"Yes, i'll stay in this relationship, i won't let it affect my performance i promise."

"Then it should be fine, y/n, are you prepared for all the hate you're gonna receive despite dating K?"

"Yes, its okay."

They nod.

"Okay, then it's fine with us."

"Thank you." The both of you say.

After a bit of talking you guys head to your parents.
K seemed a bit nervous so you decide to tell him that they'll like him and that it'll be okay.

You guys reach your parents house and you knock at the door. They open the door and you hug and greet them. K says hi and they both look at him.

"Hi there, are you y/n's boyfriend?"

"Yes, my name is K. Nice to meet you guys."

"Nice to meet you too, K. Come inside you two."

You two come in and sit down. Your parents ask K a million questions but in the end they both end up liking him.

"You two are just in time, we're goi by out for dinner with the whole family later."

K's eyes widen. The whole family??

"Oh that's fun!" You say.

K nods and you tell he's scared.

"It's okay, they're nice i promise, see you made a good impression on my parents. I'm sure you'll do the same later."

He smiles at you and boops your nose.

——> Fast forward to a few hours later

You guys are getting ready to go out to eat. You both finish getting ready and all four of you hop in the car. Driving there you were getting pretty sleepy so you put your head on K's shoulder. Eventually you fell asleep and he smiled at your cuteness. But your parents hit a bump while driving and that woke you up. After a few minutes you all arrived at the restaurant and started getting out the car. Your parents went in but K was slightly doubting going in. You go to him and grab both of his hands in yours.

"Love it's okay. I wont let them be mean to you i promise, i doubt they'll be mean i think they'll like you very much. If my parents like you, they will too! They're very nice." You say.

"Okay, thank you baby."

You intertwine your fingers and walk inside. Everyone looks at him and start talking to him.
One of your little cousins comes up to him.

"Wow you're handsome. Are you y/n's boyfriend?"

"Why thank you, and yes i am."

"Wow lucky y/n" She laughs and runs away.

You smile and you two sit down to eat. Next to the restaurant there's a little mall so after dinner the two of you went to walk in that mall and you guys grabbed boba. You decided to ignore all the angry fans and walk holding hands with K. After boba your parents picked the two of you up and you guys went back to your parents house. You guys were gonna stay the night so you had to share a room with K. You were okay with that so you took a shower and waited for him to take his and you then got in your bed and you guys decided to cuddle and watch a movie. Eventually you fall asleep and K smiles.

"So cute."



My apologies for taking so long i'll try to update faster in the future.

Have an amazing day <3

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