Saw Slenderman? Need Help?

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Saw Slenderman, Help?
By: bbbb441

About two weeks ago I researched slender man. I half-believed in him but wasn't really too afraid. After a few days I started to feel like I was being watched. I had been having nightmares about him but assumed it was just paranoia. I was walking home the next day but had been feeling sort of weak since the other night. I saw him standing there, but I was too shocked to move. It felt like I was in a half-trance of sorts. I ran away after recovering from the shock of seeing him.(it was night and I live in a slightly wooded area) Please help I can't stop thinking about him and that horrible featureless face. What should I do?

Just forgetting him doesn't help he is less interested but still need to find a long term deturerent but people telling you doesn't help. Also never so go alone and lock your house always keep all of you area in sight if you see it it's safe never go out at night that is when sightings and most cases go on have your friends stay together and bring you food be distant but stay in touch never ever look out you window if possible board them up tell your friend why even if they think your crazy you want to keep them safe (from spreading this to more people) this is how I am dealing with this and I write a log about my dreams and always sleep during the day and lay silent during the night
By: Slenderhelp

Dont Think about It Him or whatever this will temporaily get it away. For some, Once You see him close. DO NOT TRUST ADULTS.He shapeshifts I've seen it.
By: Deimo

I read a story where this kid just ignored him and the slender got extremely mad but eventually left him alone. I know it would be hard to ignore something that scares you but it might work for you too. Goodluck
By: CheshireCat96

So thats all. Tell me what you think. And for some responses that have wrong grammars, sorry I cannot fix it. Because, even me cant understand anything he/she says. Anyways, see you on the next chappie guys!

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