13 People's Real Experiences With 'The Slender Man'

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13 People's Real Experiences With 'The Slender Man'

By: Chrissy Stockton
In: thoughcatalog.com
Link: http://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2014/01/13-peoples-real-experiences-with-the-slender-man/

The story of Slender Man is of a thin, very tall, faceless man who abducts people. He is commonly caught in photosprior to the abductions. The more you know about him, the more likely he is to come and find you. So, of course, I searched around Reddit to bring you these real stories of interactions with this mysterious man.

13 People's Real Experiences With 'The Slender Man'
Part 1
Title: This is what happens when you look into Slenderman.
I was introduced to Slender Man a few months ago when some guy wanted to pull a prank on my friend. He asked for my help but I didn't follow along and just left. He wanted to scare my friend with a Slender Man costume. I looked up the Slender Man and read through the mythos, ignoring the "do not look too deeply into the legend or he will find you" warnings and went on to Marble Hornets. I loved the story and everything, but it was a little uneasy feeling at night. I though I might be psyching myself out but then weird things started happening. My parents say I will be awake and talking to them 4 hours before I actually wake up. They'll say I do things I didn't do, like make tea and see it is half empty when I wonder if they told the truth. My parents are honest people and I believe them but it is impossible. A couple of nights ago, I felt like I was being watched, uncharacteristically I looked out the window and saw a flash of white and black. That night, I had a dream, I drew on a sheet of paper what I saw in the dream. I remember drawing this, and I'm glad I did, because I have forgotten the dream. http://imgur.com/hR4PG

My reaction time is slower, along with my memory being shorter each day. I drew an Operator symbol and taped it over my door and since then I have had no experiences. The only thing is that, I, being 16, have never in my life had a stuffy nose. Yet recently it is always clogged, followed by major head aches that Tylenol can't treat. I don't know what's been up but I still feel like I'm being watched. Sometimes my phone shuts off and my TV goes to static, followed by a headache. Any explanations?

13 People's Real Experiences With 'The Slender Man'
Part 2
Title: Childhood Experience with Slenderman.
This happened at about the time I was four or five. Like any other little kid I would get scared of most things, but this one time scared me more than any other.

After a normal day in the life of a kindergartner, I went to sleep at about ten o'clock or so. Half the time I either forget my dreams or just don't dream at all. Tonight was not one of those nights.

After drifting off to sleep I begin a very weird dream. I see myself walking down a long, narrow, dark corridor, light only coming from a door at the very end. I slowly walk through the hallway to the room, which is very bright, the entire room seeming to be covered in white. I walk into the room, but there's nothing to explore in there.

As I'm about done looking at this room, I turn around back to the door to get in the corridor again, where this time there's a man standing there. I just see his long, black, business suit, and I start looking up closely. 'Okay, red tie...' I think to myself. I eventually look at his face.

There is no face.

I am looking at a white orb with a neck wearing a business suit, standing almost eight feet tall. Like any normal kid my age, I scream.

The scream rips me away from the dream into real life. I'm sweating and my heart is racing. I look towards the clock to read '12:57 AM'. My dad opens the door to my room, and when he comes in he asks what's wrong. Apparently, on my dad's recalling, he claims I said, "Tall Stick Man".

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