Chap 19. The purple jacket

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Donnie was running through a crowd of highschools. With his purple hoodie on he blended in! Well kinda.

You were sitting next to April in the highschool computer lab. Yes , you aren't in highschool but you were able to go over since the middle school didn't really have the best computers. By that I mean some 7th grade boys destroyed them. ([Name] is canonically 12 sorry-)

Some ninja stars were thrown near April's hand saying,'Im' 'here' '!'

Donnie:*whispering*"April. [Name]"

April gasped and then Donnie fell from the ceiling lights.

April:"Hi Donnie! Thanks for coming."

Donnie:"No probles. I love this place." He stood up and sniffed the air. "Smells like learning and puberty!"

[Name]:"Which is why I hate it. Smells better than the gym tho."

Donnie:"So what do you need help with?"

April:"My computer science project. Just need you to check the code to make sure I haven't missed anything."


April playfully hit you. Donnie shoved April out of the way.

Donnie:"Ah! You don't know how lucky you are to be in school, guys. Surrounded by true intellectual's"

[Name]:"Seriously? I'm smarter than like all these guys, minus April, and I'm in middle school."

Donnie ignored you:"Scholars after my own heart, resplendent in gorgeous purple satin jackets- Wait! What?! Purple satin jackets? The shimmering sheen, the exquisite violet hue, the silkiness of the fabric! It has everything I love, and even things I didn't know I loved yet!"

April:"Donnie, if you drool in here, something's gonna short circuit."

Donnie:"They must be the kings and queens of the highschool."

[Name]:"More like rebel nerds. They're so mean. Wouldn't be surprised if they did crime too. Wait no that's actually kinda cool-"

April:"The purple dragons tech club? Yeah, if by kings and queens, you mean stuck up jerks. Who think they're smarter than everyone else."

Donnie:"Oh, that's what I was hoping you'd say!" He spin around in his chair.

"Okay, let's run the Nakamura simulation. Try not to get caught this time."

"Ha I'm in! I bypassed the security protocols."

"Nice work, jase! Nice work. Let's take him down a peg."

"You got it, chief."

Virtual dogs popped up.

"I have a irrational fear of dogs!AH!"

He got zapped and the other two purple dragons fist bumped while Donnie looked exited. You and April sat their bored.

Donnie:"Oh, my gosh, did you see that?"

April:"What that wack high-five?"

You snickered.

Donnie:"Nah, fair April. A secret five evocative of the golden ratios of the Cosmos." He started floating..? "Superior minds, glorious jackets- April, I am joining this club!"

[Name]:"More like clut with how you talk about them religiously."

April:"You what now?"

Donnie walked up to them. "Greetings, tech enthusiasts. I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of your club-" you put your head in your hands/pulled up your hood and pulled the strings to pretend you didn't know him. "Wait for it, here it comes- it's me."

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now