Varian meets his crazy evil Aunt

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Hey everyone Violet and Leyna hope you guys enjoy this Varian long chapter so enjoy😽

Varian POV:

When me, Adrianna, Ruby, Ruddiger, my dad and everyone on the ship see Donella holding Ariel and Rose in her tentacles Donella did her evil laugh Adira said "Ah Ulla crazy little sister." Donella said "I didn't miss the cake or ice cream did I oh hahaha." Quirin said "Donella surrender the babies or else." Donella said "Ah ah Quirin you and my sister Ulla got all the attention when me and Zhan Tiri got nothing and I was fine when you had your twins daughters Rapunzel and Cassandra but all change when you had your son Varian." Quirin said "How dare you." Donella said "Oh and sorry Zhan Tiri couldn't come she had issues now what was it again oh yeah you kebab her. And when your son turned 2 years old me and Zhan Tiri were going to kill you, Ulla and your children so we could take over the kingdom but our plans didn't go the way we wanted because when the humans ship showed up Ulla just had to be the hero and save everyone and got herself killed."

I said "You killed my mother." Donella said "Oh Varian my dear nephew you have no reason to talk because your wife killed my best friend Zhan Tiri but no one said we have to play fair." I said "So this is revenge." Donella climb them and said "This reminds me when I told your mother I take you Varian to the surface so you would know what sunlight on your skin and tail felt like. And we would make music with you father. So when you children were up there with your parents they see the human pirate." I said "How dare you." Donella Sat on the mast of the ship and said "Oh Hugo." Hugo said *Arriving* "Make way mer strips I'm coming threw." I see Hugo as a ginormous mako shark. Donella said "Now Quirin give me the trident or your precious granddaughter and this kitten become shark food." Ariel just giggled and kicks her baby legs while rose cutely meows.

Adrianna POV:

Quirin said "You can have anything you want just don't harm little Ariel and Rose." Donella said "Well I get the trident avenge Poor unfortunate Zhan Tiri and gain all the powers of the ocean and it's not even 10 o clock not a bad morning." I grab Varian sword from his belt and I slash the rope holding the mast Varian said "Hit the deck". Donella goes flying and let's go of Ariel and Rose.

Varian POV:

I swing in the rope and grab my daughter Ariel while my father turns Hugo into a tiny fish Hugo said "What have you done to me look at me I'm an anchovy." And Ruddiger on my shoulder and quickly grab Rose holding her in his mouth and I land on the deck of the ship. I gave my wife little Ariel and she was touch Adrianna cheek and giggled Donella said "This isn't over Quirin it's just the beginning." Donella, hugo and the man rays had vanish. Quirin said "After her we can't have that mad woman get away until she's vanquish. FIND HER FIND HER." Raise his trident in the sky.
Quirin said "I'm sorry Varian we couldn't find her." I said "Ariel no. Oh we got to keep donella away from Ariel and rose until Donella is found Ariel and Rose can't got in the sea neither will I." Ruddiger said "Same here." Ariel was teething the locket I said "If Donella is anything like Zhan Tiri she will never give up this is the only way Ariel and Rose can't know about merpeople or Oceana or even you dad." Quirin said "Very well Varian. Adira you are in charge of looking after the girls." Adira said "But sire." I saw my dad swim back into the sea and I threw Ariel and Rose lockets into the sea to forever be lost and never seen again. And me, Adrianna, Ruby and Ruddiger took the girls back inside the palace.

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