Chapter 17: Returning the Bonds!

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-No One's P.O.V-

Masato: Sheesh...We're finally inside the tower.

Wise: Yep. Besides, I don't feel tired anymore with all of the unlimited MP to teleport all of those moms back to their homes and the entrance to the dungeon.

Coco: Are you gonna thank (Y/N) for that?

Wise: Oh, right. Thank you (Y/N) for affecting me with Heaven's Door.

(Y/N): Don't mention it.

Mamako: Okay, let's all follow Ma-kun and get to the top of the tower!

All Moms: Okay!

Eventually, all of you start moving forwards to continue raiding the dungeon. However, there was a pile of debris in front of you all, leaving a large hole above.

Masato: It collapsed.

Mamako: Did something happen?

Kokkoro: Maybe Amante must've done an accident while she was trying to take us out.

Medhi: If she was, then sucks to be her. She came prepared and failed miserably.

Medhi says with black spiral eyes.

Shiraase: That could be possible. So now, I infoorm you that this rubble is perfect for climbing to the next floor.

Medhi: But it seems a bit dangerous...

Porta: Leave it to me! I'll show you a safe path!

Porta says as she easily runs up the pile of rubble towards the hole.

(Y/N): As expected of her.

Mamako: Ehehe, if Porta-chan says it's fine, it must be fine.

Wise: Okay, let's get going, you guys.

Eventually, all of you safely walked up the rubble.

Unknown to you all, we see Amante under the rubble and removed all of the rocks on her.

Amante: I thought I was done for! *Looks at the hole* When did they get up there? I must follow them! Oh, I'm pretty sure somewhere around here....

Amante removes the pebbles and sees the green warp tile.

Amante: There we go! I'll use this warp tile to get ahead of them.

Amante then steps onto the warp tile and her body disappears, indicating that she teleported ahead of everyone.

-With You-

So right now, all of you arrived at the 20th Floor and no monsters were in sight.

Wise: We've come pretty high up.

Porta: Nothing's slowed us down!

Kokkoro: So it seems, but I find it odd that there were no monsters on each floor we climbed on.

Medhi: Yes, but we shouldn't let our guard. We could be attacked by monsters at any moment from here on.

Masato: Let's stay sharp.

However, everyone turned to see all of the mothers resting on the floor.

Pocchi's Mother: I'm so tired.

Modern Mother: My back hurts!

Blue Hat Mother: The sweat's washing away my makeup!

Masato: Um, what are you doing?

(Y/N): Isn't that obvious, Onii-chan?

Shiraase: Everyone's looking a little tired.

Mamako: Let's take a small break.

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