Chapter 1: An Online Isekai?!

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-No One's P.O.V-

It was an ordinary evening as usual...

We see the Oosuki family in the kitchen area, Masato Oosuki was answering a survey paper on the table, Mamako Oosuki was cooking dinner for the family, and you were reading the manga known as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, and you were sitting on the opposite side of Masato.

Masato: ("Question: Are you close to your mom?" About average, I guess.)

Masato thought to himself as he wrote a circle under the "Average" column of the first question.

Masato: ("Question: Do you talk with your mom? How much do you talk with your mom?" Average.)

Masato answered the question nonchalantly on the empty blank answer as he reads the next question.

Masato: ("Question: How are you close with your siblings?")

Masato looks up at you in front of him and you were still reading the manga before he looked back down and answered "Average" on the empty row above the question.

That's when Mamako spoke up...

Mamako: Ma-kun, (Y/N)-kun, how's school? Tell me if anything bad happens, okay? I'll make sure I'm there for you!

(Y/N): Appreciate the support, mom.

You said, not looking at her, as your eyes were glued to each panel of the manga you were reading while swinging your legs back and forth.

Masato: ("Question. What has your mother said to you that made you happy?" Not much.)

Mamako: Here's sesame, thousand islands, and Asian dressing for your salad.

Mamako says as she places the tray of small food that is wrapped in small plastic bags on the table.

Masato: ("Question. What has your mother said to you lately that made you upset?")

Masato questions in his thoughts as Mamako got close to his right ear and asked...

Mamako: Ma-kun, are you listening to your mother? *Gets behind him and puts her hands on his shoulders* Hey, come on, Ma-kun...

Masato had an slightly annoyed look on his face as Mamako sees the survey paper on the table that Masato was still answering.

Mamako: Huh? What are you writing, Ma-kun?

Mamako asked as Masato quickly covers them using his arms and said...

Masato: Don't look at my stuff! You're in the way!

Masato gently pushes off Mamako as he continues answering the paper, leaving Mamako pouting at her own first son.

Masato: (It's really annoying when she calls me by a nickname.)

Masato then continues to read another question...

Masato: ("Question. If you went on an adventure with your mother, would you get closer?" What? Talk about a stupid question. Maybe, I guess? No idea.)

Masato thought to himself as he finished answering all the questions and wrote his own name on the Stamp to finish the questions.

Mamako: Hey (Y/N)-kun, have you done your homework today?

(Y/N): Definitely, I've done the homework earlier as usual before doing my own thing.

Mamako: That's good to hear~!

(Y/N): Mmhm.

-The Next Day-

The next day, there was a purple-haired woman arrived at the Oosuki residence as they all greeted her before she start to introduce herself in Masato's room.

Family is Everything! (D.Y.L.Y.M.a.H.T-H.M-T.A? X Male (Child) Reader) REUPLOAD!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt