The Next morning come and now Spinz was getting ready for the School.

Aunt- where the fuck you think you going? HUH?

Spinz- Sc-ho-ol


Uncle arrived at the scene.

Uncle- You shit! Where you think you going?!!

Then they both starts to beat him mercilessly. After 3 hours they stopped but Spinz didn't more a bit & stayed there. Affer half an hour he stand up with limbing legs and left to his room.

He went to the same shit and was fainted at the very Evening too.

At night around 10pm, he gained his consciousness, and went to fresh up. After than he again tried to fixed his phone, well his phone got fixed but the battering was dead so he put the phone on changing and slept.

The Next Day~

At house, Spinz got through the same Shit.

At School, Yniee came Ist time to school after that day. She was already freaking Out cause Spinz didn't reply to her messages and phone calls in these past days. She thought that she will clarify everything when she will come at school but then she came to know that Spinz haven't came to school after that day. Now she was worried af. So she decided to visit Spinz today at the night time.

Now the night came, Yniee was outside the window of Spinz room. The window was locked but she was able to peek inside cause the window was cracked.
(It was a wooden window)

The scene she witnessed was totally horrible cause she saw that how Spinz was getting beated by his uncle and Aunt without any mercy. Yniee covered her mouth with her hands to not let out any kind of sound. After half an hour Spinz Uncle and Aunt left. Spinz just stayed where he was; closed his eyes and was going to sleep but he heard some sobs from outside his scoom window

Spinz- W-ho i-s th-er-e?

Yniee(cracked voice)- It's me. Your Noona!

Spinz- P-lea-se g-o aw-ay!

Yniee- No! please open the window! I beg you! Please!

Yniee- Please Baby buo!

Then Spinz stands up but he fell down cause his all body was terribly injured and soured from all the beating. But Spinz took the support of wall and somehow opened the window. Yniee come inside. She didn't said anything but just hugged Spinz. Spinz hissed in pain.

Yniee- Baby-

Spinz- I'm fi-ne. It's al-l no-rm-al f-or m-e.

Yniee- But-

Spinz- Yo-u s-hou-ld g-o ba-ck!

Yniee- Spinz listen-

Spinz- L-et's ta-lk a-t sc-hoo-l. I-I'll co-me t-o sch-ool fro-m M-ond-ay on-war-ds.

Spin then held the window so Yniee can go out. Yniee dissappointely left from there.

After she left Spinz fell down and start to cry all silently so that his Uncle & Aunt wouldn't be able to listen him or they'll beat him more.

The Next two days were even worse than hell for Spinz.

Now the Monday came.

At 5 am, Aunt came in Spinz room and push him off the bed.

Aunt- Get the fuck up you trash! Go Start doing chores, remember you have to go to school today.

Then she left.

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