Chapter 2

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Louisa's POV

I woke up and saw Cely preparing and putting her things in her luggage. I look at the clock, its 5:16 in the morning.

"Morning Cely" I greet her morning and start to prepare myself

"Morning Loui" she greet me back   "I already make breakfast, Its pancakes" she said

"Oh thank you" I said and head to the kitchen.  "Want me to take you to the airport?" I ask her

"No, I'm good." she says and close her luggage. "Just promise me to go there safely with Lucas." she says.

"I should be the one asking you that" I said but she stay silence and wait for my answer.

"Fine, I promise" I promise her  "You too." I say to her

"I promise" she said and hug me.



We hug for a minute and I let go.

"Bye Loui" she say

"Bye Cely" I said and saw her walk out the door and close it.

'Please be safe' 

--At the operation room--

Six people wearing surgical gown are at the operating room.

[Patience Number 35 Has Coronary Artery Disease, The Patience Has A Serious Heart Attack History. Heart Bypass Surgery Operation Is Required.]- A voice from mechanical drone floating above the Patience and is showing a hologram of patience's information.

They're doing Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG) on a patient with coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is when a coronary artery(A vessel that return blood to the heart) have a blockage that became too narrow enough that decrease blood flow through the heart and endanger the organ.

The surgeon put their hands up after the scrubbing and stood next to the patients laying on the surgical table.

"Scalpel" the surgeon said starting the operation.

The surgical tech handed the scalpel. Then the surgeon starts to cut the skin and make a vertical incision to the chest.

The surgeon then cut the sternum. After the sternum is cut the surgeon uses a rib spreading tool 

"Retractor" The surgeon says 

The rectractor is carefully place in the chest by the surgeon and assisting surgeon.

"Now lets set the cardiopulmonary bypass pump" The surgeon says

"Clamp" the surgeon say to the surgical tech. which the surgical tech give.

The surgeon gently divert the internal thoracic artery lower end to the coronary artery just beyond the blockage from the patient's chest wall. The surgeon then sow the graft to its place. 

"Prepare for closing" 

The surgeon place two suction drain in the chest cavity and the breast bone is close with metal wire.

"Were suturing"  the surgeon said to his operation team implying that there almost finish

"Needle holder" 

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