Chapter 19 - I won't be able to control myself

Start from the beginning

“Calm down Harry” Zayn raised his hands, and wiped Harry’s tears with his thumbs. It was a heartbreaking sight.

Niall, Liam and Jack were standing at the other side of the room, watching Zayn and Harry’s interaction. For Jack who already knew Zayn’s feelings towards Harry, it was an understatement, why Zayn was acting so close with him, even wiping his tears away, while Niall and Liam were really confused at their encounter.

“She cut herself Zayn! I don’t know how we haven’t noticed this before, but she did. She just decided to end everything last night. I don’t know what pushed her of the limits, but she just went to the bathroom, and made a deep cut. I found her just after i woke up and she had lost a lot of blood. I don’t know if she’s strong enough to make it” Harry sobbed, placing his hands over his face again.

Zayn couldn’t help but start crying as well. He couldn’t believe how he couldn’t have noticed something like that! He hated the fact that he was the major part of the reason she cut, hated her life and wanted to end it.

Somehow Zayn found himself in Harry’s arms this time, and he wrapped his own around Harry as well, as they both cried and sobbed together.

Zayn never cried in public. He didn’t want to seem weak, but this time he just couldn’t hold it in. It was just cruel  to know that a once happy girl, with a lot of confidence and who loved her life, turned into a girl with a fake smile on her face that wanted nothing but get rid of her life. How could someone change so drastically in less then three months?

Jack knew that it wasn’t the moment, but he couldn’t help but crack a smile when he watched Zayn and Harry together. You could see the feelings and love radiating from each other, and Jack wished he could see them like this in an other situation, with smiles on their faces, not tears streaming from their eyes.

They didn’t know how long it had been, but they just needed to comfort each other.

Now even Mr. and Mrs. Styles were looking at the boys hugging in the middle of the room.

They moved to the chairs, sitting next to each other, as they kept crying in each others arms. When they finally calmed down, they just held each oter’s hand while they stared in front of them.

Sometime while Zayn and Harry were hugging, the other three boys had greeted Alice and Harry’s parents, and took the other free seats. They didn’t know if it was a good idea for them to stay, but they thought that they should stay, just in case Harry and Zayn needed them.


It was almost midnight now, and they still didn’t get to see Alice. The doctor said that she needed a bit of rest, and that they had transfused blood into her system because she needed the blood she lost, which was quite a lot.

Jack, Niall and Liam had left seeing as they thought that the family and Zayn needed some time on their own, but later Mrs. and Mr. Styles had left too. They were ‘tired’ , but they said that they would be back later.

Harry stood up every time a doctor passed next to the waiting room, asking if they knew if he could see Alice, but the answer was either that they didn’t know, or she wasn’t up yet.

An hour after midnight, the doctors got Harry, and brought him to Alice’s room, to see her. She was sleeping, but they knew how obnoxious he was, so he wanted to calm Harry down.

“She’ll wake up in the morning. You can go home if you want, we’ll call if anything happens” One of the doctors told him, but Harry shook his head.

“I want to stay here”

Harry and Zayn were pretty tired, but they couldn’t just go and leave Alice to wake up with nobody she knew around. 

Arranged Marriage - (Zarry Stylik) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now