Untitled Part 3

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Dany tries to figure out what it all means. If he's not the one I need to worry about, who is? What does he mean 'the things I get myself into'? This is so strange. Dany is too afraid to even move and sits in the same spot for what seems like hours. It's getting darker outside, the sun is fading and dread creeps in. I don't want to stay here in the dark. I'm scared. I want my mom. And she cries until she has no tears left.

It's still dark out when Mug comes into the room again. "Hi!" He says in a cheery voice switching the light on. Dany's eyes take a minute to adjust and she just looks at him as if he were crazy. He is wearing different clothes, so she assumes it must be the next day. "Bright huh?" He adds.

"Uh yea."

"I brought you another sandwich, are you hungry? I couldn't sleep. Is your tummy feeling better?" He rattles one statement off after the other. "I like talking to you. You're nice to me. No one is nice to me. Except my mom, she's nice to me. Sometimes my uncle, but not most of the time. Do you have any uncles?"

With raised eyebrows, Dany's says, "Wow, you're a morning person, aren't you? What time is it?"

"Five am. I am a morning person. I wake up early, so I can see the sun rise. It's pretty cool. Have you ever watched the sun rise?"

"No, I don't think I have."

"We could watch it together if you want." He says expectantly waiting for her response.

"Sure," she says shrugging.

"Ok, eat your sandwich. I brought you another coke and some orange juice. I didn't know what you would want but I know you like strawberry jelly." He says feeling very accomplished. "After you finish we can watch the sunrise."

Wondering if she can trick Mug into taking her outside, she asks, "Where do you watch the sun rise?"

"Oh, usually from my bedroom window or from the roof, but don't tell my mom. She gets mad when I go out on the roof, says I might fall and get hurt. But I know what I'm doing."

"That's so cool. I sit on the roof at my house too. I like to sit outside at night and look at the stars. But I've never watched the sun rise. I can't wait. Thanks Mug."

"You're welcome." He says blushing.

"Is this your house?" Dany asks.

"No, this is my...not my house." He catches himself almost telling her whose house it is.

"So how are we going to watch the sun rise?"

"I don't know." He says thinking about it for the first time because he's used to being at home in the morning. "I guess we can just watch from the window."

"Yea, we could do that." Dany says taking a bite of her sandwich. "You make good PB&J's."

"Thanks. It's almost time." He says excitedly.

They both walk over to the window and the sun is just beginning to rise in the east. It slowly creeps up and as Mug is clearly only interested in seeing the sun, Dany is looking at the surroundings. Not very many houses, only three are visible from this window. A lot of empty lots. The houses are older, two stories, used to be nice, but not anymore. No street signs. "Here it comes!" Mug says enthusiastically.

"This is so neat!" Dany feigns interest.

"Look! Isn't it pretty how the buildings from downtown look so small." Mug explains as it finally registers with Dany. That's downtown. That's the SCA building and the Allied Tower. I must be somewhere near Rock Falls. Yes! I'm not that far from home. I could find my way if I had to.

"Thank you Mug, this is soooooooo cool. I'm so glad we did this together. You're a really good friend."

"I'm your friend?" Mug asks.

"Yes, ain't I your friend too?" Dany asks.

"Yea, I mean, of course. We are friends. Hey friend." Mug adds awkwardly.

"Hey friend." Dany says bumping his shoulder softly and smiling. "When I get out of here, I would like to hang out with you. Would you like that?"

"Yes, I would like that."

"Do you know when I'm going to get out of here?"

"No, I don't." Mug says defeated. "I know that someone is supposed to be coming today to talk about it though. Maybe they are going to take you home."

"I don't think the person is going to take me home. I think they want to hurt me." Dany says fearfully.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." Mug says adamantly.

"But you're just a kid. I think the person that's coming is probably an adult. A mean guy. A big guy. A scary guy."

"Oh." Mug says nervously twisting his hands. "How big?"

"I don't know Mug. I'm scared though. Maybe you can let me go home?"


"Is there any other way out? A backdoor. Another window?"

"I...I don't know. My uncle wouldn't like it if I did that."

"Your uncle is here?" Dany asks.

Knowing that he messed up, Mug lies, "no."

"Mug, you have to help me. I won't tell anyone your uncle is here. Your uncle is probably a good guy, a nice uncle, but the man coming to see me is not. He will hurt me."

Mug is clearly torn, he is not sure what to do and he awkwardly bangs his hand on his temple as he thinks, "I gotta go. Let me think."

"No, Mug don't leave me. I'm scared." But he ignores Dany and races out the door.

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