Untitled Part 2

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Figure one, now known as Mug, walks in with a small white box in his hands. He sits near Dany on the side of the bed and says, "Can I put some medicine on your wrists?"

"I'm ok." She replies quickly, hoping he doesn't get too close.

"I won't hurt you, I promise. Your wrists look like they really hurt." Dany nods her head in agreement and Mug slowly moves closer. He opens the box and pulls out a small yellow tube and squirts it on a gauze pad and wipes the cream on her sores. Dany winces in pain. "I'm sorry." Mug says pulling his hand back for a moment. And he gives her a look to ask if it's ok to proceed and she holds her wrist out again. After he is done putting the cream on, he wraps her wrist in a bandage and then repeats with the other. "There, that should help." He says and walks out of the room.

A short while later, Mug returns with a tray and closes the door softly with his foot. He sits next to Dany on the bed and sets the tray next to her. "Are you hungry?" He asks.


"It's not poisoned. I made it myself." He adds seeing the distrust in her eyes, "I hope you like strawberry jelly."

"I do." Dany says and not wanting to cause any trouble she adds, "Thank you, but my stomach is still upset."

"Oh, that's right. I forgot you threw up. I changed your clothes. I hope you like them." He inquires enthusiastically.

"I do. Thank you. What is your name again?"


"Mug?" Dany asks.

"Yes, Mug."

"That's an unusual name." Dany inquires.

"It's a nickname. I'm not supposed to tell you my real name."

"Ok, where did the nickname come from?" Dany asks trying to make friends with her new captor who seems to be a bit mentally challenged or at least somewhat socially awkward.

"They say I have an ugly mug and that's where it came from." He says looking dejected at the thought.

"I don't think you have an ugly mug." Dany says trying to gain Mug's trust. "Do you think I can just have a few sips of the Coke and save the sandwich for later?" Dany asks pointing to the tray with an unopened can of coke sitting on it.

"Of course." Mug replies excited that he has done something right and then his mood quickly changes as he adds, "My dad's dead too."

"I'm sorry. Is your mom still alive?" Dany asks taking a slow sip of the Coke.

"Yes, she...uh, I'm not supposed to talk about her either." Mug adds cautiously.

Still trying to gain his trust, Dany says, "Ok, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want. I don't want you to get into trouble. I just thought we shared something. Not many of my friends know what it's like to only have one parent. It's hard." Dany says looking down at her hands.

"Yea." Mug adds.

"Well, if you want, we can talk about it and I won't tell anyone. It could be our secret."

A hesitant Mug replies, "I don't know."

"Can I tell you about my mom? You won't get in trouble if I do that, right?"

"Yea, I don't see why not."

"My mom is like my best friend. We hang out, we go to the mall, we play tennis. Do you play any sports Mug?"

"Soccer. I play soccer in school."

"Oh, soccer is so hard. I can't play soccer, I've tried but I'm so bad at it. You must be very athletic. What grade are you in?" Dany says trying to build up Mug and get in his good graces while also gaining some information.

"Not really, but it's fun. I don't have a grade, I'm in special classes. How did your dad die?" Mug asks seeming to be very interested in that subject.

"Car accident. Four years ago, but it seems like just yesterday." Dany replies feeling a twinge of pain remembering.

"I'm sorry your dad is dead. My dad died when I was a baby. I don't know how though; my mom won't tell me. She says, 'it's in the past and we should leave it there. We have to move on Ad...uh Mug.'" Almost revealing his real name while mocking his mother, Mug decides to leave before he says too much. "I gotta go now. I'll leave the sandwich in case you get hungry."

"Thanks." Dany says, and Mug rushes out the door.

The coke begins settling Dany's stomach, I should eat a little, I'm going to need my strength when I find a way outta here. She tears off a piece of the sandwich, smells it just to make sure, and slowly takes a bite. How can I escape? I wish I knew what was on the other side of the door. No, that's too risky. This window is the way out, I know it is. It's my only hope. Dany gets up quietly and walks to the window and pulls the curtain open a bit more. There isn't much on the street, just a few randomly placed houses, almost as if the neighborhood has been abandoned. Still feeling a bit queasy, she grabs onto the window ledge for balance. Just as she gets her bearings back, two teenagers walk into her view. Not wanting the people behind the door to hear her, she simply begins waving her hands frantically trying to get their attention. They keep walking leisurely, not even looking toward the house. She continues flailing her arms up and down, back and forth, hoping it will get their attention. Just as they are about to walk out of view, one of them looks up in the direction of the window. On instinct, Dany yells, "I'm up here! Help me!" Waving ferociously.

Within seconds the door swings open and figure two, still unnamed, rushes through the door, grabs Dany by the arm, and throws her to the ground. "Didn't I tell you not to cause any trouble?" He yells at her angrily.

"I'm sorry!" She says cowering on the floor in a heap.

"Get up. Get on the bed. That window is covered in two-way film. You can see out, no one can see in. How stupid do you think I am?"

"I'm sorry. I got scared. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. Please don't hurt me." Dany begs.

"I'm not the one you need to worry about. If it happens again, you'll regret it. Got it?"

"Got it."

As he walks out the door, shaking his head, he mumbles to himself, "The things I get myself into."

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