I shot her a smirk and put down the towel, "Let me show you."

I walked over to the bed and put back on my Lance uniform shirt and cape while Tess watched me with a look of confusion and intrigue.

"Watch this," I said smugly as I activated my aevum rune.

Aether wrapped around my body and quickly began to repair my Lance uniform. The blood stains faded, and the tears repaired themselves. After a few seconds, my uniform looked as good as new.

I nodded with satisfaction and looked at Tess, who was looking at my uniform up and down with a look of surprise.

Tess raised a brow, "You can repair clothes now?" She asked amusingly.

I chuckled, "No, not exactly. Do you remember the runes you saw on my body?" 

Tess blushed heavily, and the right corner of her soft lips rose slightly, and she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Y-ya."

"Well, the runes on my back give me different abilities. One of the runes is called the aevum rune. It allows me to rewind time on inorganic objects. So I used the rune to repair the uniform." I said with a shrug.

Tess smiled, "Well, that certainly comes in handy. Plus, this way, Grandpa won't have to bother the maids to quickly make you another uniform."

"I knew he'd be able to fix it," A familiar voice said.

Tess and I looked toward the voice, seeing Gramps and Mom walk into the room. 

Tess narrowed her eyes at Gramps. "Grandpa," Tess said, not hiding the irritation in her voice.

"Oh, don't look at me like that little one. I always said I would beat him with a cactus. I am just a man of my word." Gramps said with a smug grin and a nonchalant shrug.

"How did you know I'd be able to fix the uniform?" I asked curiously.

"I told him," Mom said flatly, eyeing me with a scolding gaze.

"Oh, that makes sense," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Look at me, you two," Mom said sternly.

I slowly looked at Mom as she looked at Tessia and me with crossed arms. Mom sighed as she grabbed the bridge of her nose.

Mom looked back at us with a softer gaze, "Look, I'm not going to scold either of you. You're engaged to each other and have known each other your entire lives. Plus, I know how much you love each other. I just wish you would've waited until you were older."

"Or at least married," Gramps cut in. "That being said, if we weren't at war right now, I'd be getting your wedding ready as we speak. However, that'll just have to wait."

Tess and I shared a glance and smiled as our eyes locked. Blissful thoughts of her walking down the aisle in a wedding dress flooded my mind.

"Arthur, Tessia," Gramps said, getting our attention. "Are you both ready to go to the wall?"

I nodded, "Yes, Gramps, I have everything I need." 

"I'm good to go, Grandpa," Tess said.

"Good, but first, there's one more thing," Gramps said as he looked at Mom. "Alice, would you please," Gramps said.

Mom nodded as she looked at Tess with a smile. "Ok, Tessia, I'm just going to check something really quick."

Tess tilted her head slightly, looking at Mom curiously, "What are you checking?"

Mom didn't answer as she walked up to Tess. Mom gave her a warm smile before she gently placed her hand on Tess' pelvic area and closed her eyes. Tess flinched a little and looked at me. We shared a look of confusion, wondering what was happening.

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