Chapter 17: The New Normal

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Avery's at Emily's house with the rest of the girls and she's sitting on Emily's bay window looking out the window

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Avery's at Emily's house with the rest of the girls and she's sitting on Emily's bay window looking out the window. Avery and Hanna haven't really spoken, but they did find out that Melissa is pregnant. Hanna says, "Okay, so your sister's pregnant? How'd that happen?" Spencer says, "I figure pretty much the usual way." Emily says, "It's not really a how question. It's more of a why question." The girls are looking at Spencer's computer and Spencer says, "Well, I mean, I guess could have gone all maternal, but I doubt it." Hanna says, "This is so creepy." Emily says, "Where are they now?" Spencer says, "Philadelphia. Shopping." Hanna says, "What do you think this means?" Spencer says, "I don't know, but I think Toby wanted us to have it. It's in Braille, so..." Emily says, "You want to see this, Avery?" Avery softly says, "No. I can see just fine from here." Avery and Hanna make eye contact and Avery looks away. Spencer says, "The first letter's a B. A, it's an A." Hanna says, "I think it's gonna tell us who A is." Spencer says, "D." Emily says, "B-A-D." Hanna says, "Bad." Spencer says, "That's the whole message? Bad?" Emily says, "What's it supposed to mean?" Avery says, "It means you got punked. Toby doesn't trust us. I don't blame him." Emily says, "No, I don't think he'd mess with us like this." Avery says, "You'd be surprised what people are capable of." Spencer says, "You guys, we have to figure this out. This might be a joke, but it could be something real." Hanna says, "Well, look, either way, Toby's not the enemy." Avery stands up and says, "You know what, guys? I'm gonna go." Avery walks out of the room.

" Avery walks out of the room

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