(YN): Today was fun.

Gohan: It is...hopefully this happens all the time.

(YN): It will, heh, I mean what could go wrong?

Gohan: Heh, you're right. I mean we can easily handle this, so what could possible for wrong either way?

Some weeks pass by...at first, things were going good with the two taking care of the house and Goten and smoothly going well....until at the very end...things aren't looking quite good for the two of them as take in charge and being responsibility took it to the very next level. One evening, Gohan was at home, stressed out of her head as she was cleaning everything in the house while cooking dinner as well...

Goten: Big sis, can you help me with homework?

Gohan: Not now little bro, I'm too busy here.

Goten: But I can't-

Gohan: Well if you focused at school very well you wouldn't have to much trouble with homework!

With Gohan raising her voice at Goten, Goten began to hold back his tears, and to then walk away...and Gohan to feel bad...she then walks up to Goten and to pick him up and hug him...

Gohan: S-Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you... I'm sorry little bro.

Goten: *sniffs* It's okay.

Gohan Mind: sighs* Nrgh! This wouldn't have happen if HE would be home in time and taking care of his responsibility! And I wonder where the hell he can be?!*

Then, he heard the doorknob and the door open and to see (YN) arriving home with food...

(YN): I'm home.

He approaches to Gohan and to pat Goten...

(YN): Hey little guy.

Gohan: So...Where have you been?

(YN): Huh?

Gohan: You heard me, Where.Have.you.been?! You should have been home 2 hours earlier!

(YN): Oh right, I was at Kame's House kicking it with Yamcha and Krillin.

Gohan: Oh?! So hanging out with them is more important than being here home and not helping me?!

(YN): Oh get off my back will ya?! I need a break somehow!

Gohan: You could have gotten yourself a break here! But instead you rather be out hanging out and not taking responsibility! Also, it was your turn to help Goten with homework!

Gohan puts Goten down as she and (YN) began arguing...

(YN): Look I messed up okay? So why don't you calm down-

Gohan: CALM.DOWN?! I've been busting my ass here all day without your help! And instead you rather not come home in time and just hang out with those guys!

(YN): Well at least I brought food from the farm! At least I'm doing something useful! On for love of dende's sake, tell the brat to not stare at me! Sick of him fucking starring at me!

Gohan: Hey you leave him out of this okay?!

(YN): Well do me a favor and ask him to stop fffffucking looking at me!

Gohan: (YN) you don't even get along with him all the time like before!

(YN): Oh I've spent time with Goten!

Gohan: You're barely even home!

(YN): I took him to the footing!

Gohan: ...Goten doesn't even like football. Maybe if you spent time with Goten, you'd know he like it.

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant