052; her only goal is to stress people out

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," he mumbled with a small frown, sinking into his seat slightly as he folded his arms and glanced down to the floor.

"She's a girl who thinks she has every right in the world just because she owns a business."

Corbyn raised his eyebrows in response and let out another small laugh, staring down at his phone before Randy looked over to the door where the girl was about to knock.

"Oh, Rosy." Randy raised his eyebrows as the girl walked into the room, glancing between the two of them with her eyebrows slightly furrowed, "take a seat."

"Sure," she replied, staring at Corbyn with her eyebrows still furrowed as she sat herself down, sitting herself upright and folding her arms.

"I just wanted a quick meeting to ask how the whole fake relationship thing is going," Randy shook his head as he sat himself down, "is it working out?"

"Very well," Corbyn nodded and smiled, glancing to Rosemary who kept her stare straight on his manager.

While Randy continued asking questions and only receiving responses from the boy, he glanced over to the silent girl who had been staring at the wall just behind him, a slight frown on her face while biting one of her nails.

"Rosemary, what do you think?" Randy asked her as she snapped out of her thoughts and looked to him while Corbyn turned his head to the girl, "is there anything that could be changed?"

She quickly glanced to Corbyn who widened his eyes for a few seconds while nodding his head to Randy, watching her look back to his manager and reply with a small shrug, shaking her head and sighing.

"No, all good." She nodded with an tight lipped smile as Corbyn subtly furrowed his eyebrows before he turned his head back to Randy.

"I think you could be posting much more though, it's very occasional at the moment." He frowned while Rosy took a deep breath and glanced to the boy sat beside her, "do you kiss now as part of the job thing? I didn't think you were that committed."

"Well... actually we uh, we're kind of a-"

"We just wanted it to seem more believable," she interrupted Corbyn, her bottom lip quivering slightly while tucking her hair behind her ear and shrugging.

"Oh." Randy paused, "okay."

"What?" Corbyn whispered to the girl with a frown of confusion on his face.

"Obviously we had that whole situation with Valentine's day and Corbyn had doubled up on plans," Randy said with a sigh, "I don't think he needs to take the blame for that, I think we need to understand he has a very busy life."

"We already spoke about that," Rosemary replied, "he knows it could have been avoided."

"I wanted to say you turning up and making a fool out of him was not something I wanted to see," Randy turned his head to the girl as she sat still with slightly raised eyebrows, "that's a little psycho of you, actually."

Rosemary's mouth parted open slightly as she turned herself to Corbyn, watching him remain quiet as he stared at the wall in front of them before she looked back to his manager.

"I was the one laughed at on twitter though," she pointed to herself in confusion while Randy shook his head, "there were-"

"Don't do anything that humiliates your fake boyfriend." Randy shook his head.

"We actually wanted to talk-"

"Okay." Rosemary shrugged, interrupting Corbyn as he looked over at her again in confusion, "sorry, that was my fault."

Randy glared at her for a few seconds before he shook his head and rolled his eyes, opening up his laptop before waving them off towards the door, "you can go now."

"Both of us?" Corbyn asked.

"Yeah, I said all I needed to say." Randy huffed, watching Rosemary quickly grab her bag again and stand up as Corbyn followed behind her.

As she left the room and headed back towards the stairs, she grabbed her phone from her bag with Corbyn following behind, attempting to catch up to the fast pace she was walking.

"Hey," he spoke up, catching up to her and walking beside his girlfriend, "I know I should've said something and defended you but there's no point when he just-"

"I don't care." Rosemary shrugged, staring down at her phone screen while Corbyn turned his head to her, "he's not someone that's going to get into my head about it."

"But he still shouldn't have said it."

"You know him better than I do."

"And he shouldn't have said it." He repeated, "are you okay? You're being a little reserved."

"I'm okay, are you okay?" She glanced to him.

"I'm good." Corbyn nodded, reaching for her hand just as she bought it up to her phone again, "why are you quieter than usual?"

"I'm just really focused on my florist today." She shrugged, grabbing her car keys from her bag as they left the building, "sorry."

"...why didn't you quit?" Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to her car. 

"...I don't know." She let out a sigh and stopped by her car, turning around and looking up at him with a small smile, "I must've forgot."

"Very unlike you to forget something." He smiled at her, shoving his hands into his pockets and leaning against her car.

"You're going to mark my car." Rosemary told him, nudging him off her car as he looked at her in slight confusion.

"Sorry," he mumbled, "do you want to get lunch somewhere? You can choose the place."

"Can't, I have things to do at the florist." She shook her head, walking round the drivers side of the car as Corbyn watched her do so.

"Do you need help? Can I come with you?"

"Harry's there," she said while opening the door and throwing her bag into the car, "and I'd rather no distractions."

Corbyn stared at her for a few seconds in confusion, watching her get into her car and shut the door without a goodbye to the boy stood beside it. Backing away a few steps as she pulled away from the sidewalk and drove off.

Once her car was out of his view, he furrowed his eyebrows and headed back inside the building, making his way back to the studio his four band mates were already in as he stood in the doorway and glanced between them all.

"You okay?" Daniel asked as he watched Corbyn sit down at his laptop again, "did it all go okay?"

"I'm fine, meeting was fine, Rosy just seems a little off." He mumbled.

"Oh, weird." Jonah shrugged.


uh oh.... rosemary heard

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