Chapter I: The beginning

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General PoV

Missouri: Pearl Harbor, the sight of numerous tragedies and death. Also my home. Chuckle, just to think over 80 year's ago I would have been dreaming about sailing with my sister's and two brothers...... Sigh, oh how I have missed those time's.

The USS Missouri, former Flagship of US Navy and the Last Battleship to be ever made by the US of A now sat idle by in his berth. Now a museum he simply sat idle waiting for something, anything to take him away.

My PoV

I usually sat alone in my berth. The closest ship to me on the regular was USS Arizona and she was long dead after she was hit from those bombs years ago. There was also a few Independence Class LCS and a few Arleigh Burke Class ship's would pass by me from time to time but.....

Halsey: Warships come.....

Michael Murphy: And Warships go...

Both: But Mighty Mo stays forever!!!!

Halsey and Murphy where the worst of them but it was in all good fun. I would laugh with them after words since they are relatively good company. Nathan James how ever was a bit more responsible, but he knew when to have a good laugh.

Nathan James: Chuckle. Alright you two , back it up. We sortie in a few hours.

Halsey: Roger, Roger.

Murphy: Alrighty. I'm ready for some action.

Me: Carful around North Koreans. From what I hear there not the most friendly as of now.

Halsey: Don't worry about us young boys now Mighty Mo. We'll be fine.

James: Indeed we will. But Missouri I've got some news for ya.

With my interest peaked I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Me: Hmmm, what could that be?

James: Just over heard my Captain say that some Battleships are being recommissioned. I think your on the list Mo.

Me: Really!?!?!?!

Halsey: Probably because of how chaotic Europe is right now.

Murphy: And we get to see you finally move from that berth of yours.

Me: Yeah, me to. I think I'm getting a bit rusty.

Just then the tourist where being ushered of my ship by Marines and Navy personal.

Me: Guess those rumors are true.

Just then a group of tug boats came and hooked up to me.

Random Tug: Alright Missouri, ready to go?

Me: Oh you know it.

Over the next few months I was reactivated, I was given new guns such as the Mk 8 rail guns for my secondaries. ( Please know that in real life the US Navy cannot reactivate the Missouri since it is now a civilian owned ship and not US Navy's. )

3 Years Later

General PoV

Missouri was resting in the harbor as the war in Europe had came to a close, so now Missouri was relaxing as his engine's cooled. All was quiet, and all was still with the only noise where the breeze and waves crashing against his hull. Missouri was now resting at his berth that used to be his berth place when he was a museum. Soon he was being towed into a secluded berth where multiple scientist's and people in suits awaited him.

Scientist 1: Alright people let's do this quickly.

The scientist then help up two cubes. A blue one in his left hand....

 And a lava like one in his right

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........ And a lava like one in his right.

Scientist 1: If anything happens, brace yourselves for impact!!

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Scientist 1: If anything happens, brace yourselves for impact!!

Was all he yelled to his fellow scientist's and the guard's on the pier.

Scientist 2: I feel like this won't do anything.

Guard 1: Who knows, but still keep your guard up.

Scientist 1 wasn't the most sane person, but he was always an oddball when it came to things. Anyways he than inserts the cubes in into Missouri's B Turret. After some time the scientist's and the guard's thought it was a failed experiment when the massive ship started glowing a brilliant shade of purple lava, before the ship was gone in a bright flash. They searched for hours, but it can was for not as they didn't know that the massive Battleship was now on a new journey as a side effect of the cubes.

My PoV

Waking up I was surprised by the new scene in front of me. No longer was I at my berth in Pearl anchored to the sea near my family and friends. Now I was in the middle of the Ocean with no idea on how I got there and where I was.

Me: Hmmmm. This is odd. One minute I'm sleeping in my berth at port, then I wake up here.... The question is, where is here?

As I pondered my question I started examining myself realizing that I wasn't translucent anymore. I also had my old paint job back when I was in WWII.

Me: The fuck is going on here!?!?!

General PoV

And with that a new journey begins for the Last Iowa known as USS Missouri BB-63 of the United States Navy.

A/N: Let me know what you think, and before anyone accuses me most of this comes from kuweeby2's book's Missouri's Journey through the Multiverse and Missouri's Journey through the Multiverse ( revamp) which I am helping out with along with DrDestiny. And for kuweeby2 sorry for stealing your work just needed something to hitch this off with, and your books where the perfect thing I needed. And also I did add my own work into this so I wasn't fully coping his work.

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