Chapter 3: Devised A Fabulously Horrible Plan

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Just as the gunshot goes off, the Ravager's eyes snap open. Then they survey the area and of course, they spot me. Of all the times my bad luck had to screw me over, it chose now to do so. Of course. They didn't call me Faily Frayne for nothing back at school.

So, yeah. Here we are. All caught up and everything. So now, we get to see Frayne fight for his life.


As soon as the nearest Ravager spots me, it growls and grabs the attention of the other two. Their eyes long at me with wild hunger. All of them bare their fangs at me. And in no time flat, the Ravagers have me cornered. I feel a cold sweat run down my forehead. I try reaching for my pistol, a Ruger "SR9c". But, in my own stupidity, I'd have left my gun back at my hideout so that if I had gotten in a fight, I wouldn't have made a loud noise to attract any attention to myself.

Dumb Frayne. Stupid Frayne.

One Ravager tries to lunge and go for my neck for a quick kill, but I duck and roll to the side, and back away, losing more ground. Here I was: Backed against the wall with no way out, faced against three Ravagers that wanted me dead. "If this keeps up, then I'm done for", I thought. Then an idea popped into my head. It was a risky one, one that could probably get me killed if I messed up, but I'd have to do it.

I'd have to use my powers.

Standing still, I closed my eyes and focused. I then felt myself absorbing and becoming more in-sync with the radiation all around me. I then opened my eyes, and sure enough, I was glowing Neon Green.

I was ready.

The Ravagers took notice of my change and decides to prowl around me in caution. I took that chance. I imagined a few more illusions of myself around the Ravagers. That got their attention. As the Ravagers took notice of my doppelgangers, they immediately lunged and tried to attack their new targets. But their attacks did nothing but go through them.

That's when I made my move, and got the hell out of there. I had felt myself getting nauseous when I made those doppelgangers, so I had to leave or I'd have been in no condition to escape. Also, I had a new plan. If I has played my cards right, all that ruckus should have alerted that lone Ravager. Sure enough, all the noise was attracting the Ravager, and it started to investigate.

When I got out of the sight of the lone Ravager, I had caught a glimpse of what had happened. Apparently, some schmucks decided to go against that Ravager, but that was a mistake because they were missing ammunition to take down a Ravager. Specifically: two RPGs.

I knew that I would feel the backlash of using my powers later, but it was worth it.

I smirked to myself, and started to head for home.

End of Chapter!!!

Hope you all enjoyed that. If you're reading this, then hey, you like my stories. If you like 'em, hey, why not stick around? I promise you will not be disappointed( I hope).

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. I might not post due to exams, but bear with me, alright?

Thanks for reading!!
Rep Out!!!

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