Cracking The Shell

Start from the beginning

Jisung nods again with a relieved sigh, "Yes, exactly," and he adds, "Felix is next by the way."

Hyunwoo gauges him for long seconds.

Jisung groans, "I'm not lying ! Just watch it then ! The moment Chan who's in Seungmin's body falls asleep and Felix too, they're going to swap ! And Felix will start to act like Seungmin- I mean like Bang Chan did at the hospital !"

Hyunwoo continues staring at him.

Jisung rolls his eyes.

"Did you swap with him ?"

Jisung shakes his head, "I'm supposed to swap with him after Felix."

Hyunwoo crosses his arms, "How did Bang Chan know you were his killmates ?"

Jisung parts his lips to answer but he pauses and actually thinks about it.

It's true that they don't know about it. But Chan must have seen the name on his skin the first time and then freaked out and told his boyfriend ?

But wouldn't he tilt when he found the exact same names in the chatroom ?

"He might have seen them when our names first appeared on his arm and since we like, introduced ourselves and plus everything going on, he must've thought it was us ?" He's not really sure about it, he'll have to ask Chan if he ever finds him.

Hyunwoo pushes a paper in front of Jisung, nodding at his explanation, "You might be right," he places a pencil on top, "write the order of the body-swapping."

Jisung hastily does it, scribbling on the paper, "Can I know where Bang Chan is ?"

Hyunwoo takes back the paper when he finishes, and stands up, "Even if you're one of his soulmates, I'm not allowed to say anything," he gestures at him to stand up and Jisung quickly does so.

"But how is he ?" He asks, hoping to hide his worry. He's still upset at him but at the same time he's his soulmate for fuck's sake.

Hyunwoo pats his back, "He's still shaken up, but alright."

Jisung swallows, "Okay good."

"Don't pounce on him next time," He warns Jisung who stiffens but still nods, "if what you told me is true, then he's more disoriented than he lets on."

And Jisung starts to think he might have been too much of an asshole.

Chan is far away from home, lost in a place he always learned to fear, and all he wants is to find back his boyfriend. The only person he's seen in years. He doesn't even know if his family is still-

His breath hitches as he pauses, "Can you look for his family ?"

Hyunwoo looks back at him, "We can, but we'll have to find Bang Chan first."

Jisung nods again and he's brought back to the cell. The others hastily stand up before Hyunwoo is calling for Felix.

Felix waves at them and kisses their boyfriends, "Don't worry !" they grin happily before following Hyunwoo.

"So how did it go ?" Hyunjin asks him, looking stressed as he hugs Jeongin.

Jisung rubs the nape of his neck, "I think he believes me, he asks me to give the order of the body-swapping."

Changbin muses with a nod, "Then it should go alright, we shouldn't worry."

"Felix's tired by the way," Jeongin tells Jisung, "they might fall asleep here when they come back, and I'm guessing Seungmin is already asleep in the house," he trails, "but about Bang Chan, we can't tell."

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