intro ig

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Richard (Richie) Tozier was a strange boy. He had glasses that made his eyes look a lot larger then they were, he always made jokes at the worst times, and he was gay. He had a crush on his best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak. Richie had known for awhile, but he never had the courage to tell him. And the town they lived in wouldn't alow them to be happy together anyway.

Edward (Eddie) Kaspbrak had always been scared of germs, but after his dad died, his mom made it worse by making him take a bunch of pills for sicknesses he wasn't even sure he had. He was a small boy, with brown slightly curly hair, and brown eyes, he had small freckles, all over his face like sparkles. He had always been very open about his feelings, until he realized how he felt about his best friend Richie.

Richie's POV
I groan as my alarm goes off and I reluctantly get up and start getting ready for school. The only good thing about going was being able to see Eddie. And yea Bill and Stan too, but mostly Eddie. I was hoping one day I would get the courage to ask him out, but what if he didn't like me that way and it ruined our friendship. I didn't want that to happen.

I finish getting ready and start heading to school. I met up with Bill like I normally do, and we walk the rest of the way to school.

Once we get there we find Stan and Eddie.

"Hello Stan the man and my Eddie Spaghetti" I say as I walk up to them

"Your Eddie Spaghetti? Since when am I yours?" Eddie says as he rolls his eyes. I swear I saw him blush a little, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

Eddie's POV
His Eddie Spaghetti? As much as I made it seem, I actually had a soft spot for the nicknames Richie called me. Eds, Eddie Spaghetti, Edward Spaghedward. I loved them. Well, I loved everything about Richie, his crude sense of humor, his cute smile, his lips.

"Eds? You ok you keep spacing out"

"Don't call me Eds"

The bell rings and I head to my first class along with Richie

"Hello class, today we have a new seating chart, so go stand by the wall and I'll give you all your new seats"

Great, the one class I have with Richie and we might not sit together.

"Okay, here we have Richard and David"

Yep, I don't get to sit next to Richie..

"And here we have Beverly and Edward"

I've heard about Beverly, she seems really cool, but I've never really thought about being friends with her.

She was really pretty, she had the bluest eyes you've ever seen, and her hair was red, it was short and curly, kind of like mine if my mom didn't make me gel it back everyday. I knew I wasn't attracted to her though because I'm gay. Like very gay, I've only ever been attracted to Richie and this one guy I saw in a movie once.

"Hey, Edward right?" Beverly asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Please, call me eddie, I hate the name Edward." I respond, a little more snappy than I originally intended.

Beverly was really cool, and fun to talk to, but I couldn't tell if she was just being nice or if she wanted to be friends. Until she gave me her snapchat, I added her immediately and after school we talked for hours. And then Richie messaged me

Hey Eds, you awake? I have a question

Yep, I'm up, what's up Rich?

Uhm. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the quarry tomorrow, just us.

Just us? None of the other losers?

Yeah, only if you want of course..

Yeah, do you want to walk there together after school?

Yeah, I'll meet you at your locker

I went back to snapping Beverly, but I was kinda lonely. So I asked for her number.

Hey Bev, it's Eddie

Hey Eddie, glad you got the right number, it acts kind of weird sometimes.

Well I got it.

Hey would you maybe want to meet my friend Ben? He's my only friend, well except you, and I'm his only friend, I don't want him to be lonely

Ben Hanscom? The new kid?

Yep that's him.

Yeah sure, it's not to late I could probably convince my mom to let me go, you wanna meet somewhere?

Yeah, meet me by Derry Lake in 10 minutes

okay, see you there

See you!

Text convo between Beverly and Ben

Hey Ben, I made a new friend and I wanted to know if you wanted to meet him?

Benny Boy🌻
Right now?

Yeah, I told him to meet me by Derry lake in like 8 minutes

Alright, I'm on my way

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