Chapter 7: Human's Night Market

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"Ed! Em! Hurry up!" I yelled from the driver's seat as I watched my siblings struggle to pack all the stuff in the trunk from my rearview mirror.
Just minutes ago I had picked up my siblings/children from the flea market as Ed and Em kind of went overboard buying extra clothes or other non-necessities which was the reason they were struggling right now.

"Just hold on!" Ed yelled while struggling before bodying the bags as if they'll magically get stuffed in by throwing his body. Fucking idiot.

Amity was back in the front passenger seat with her arms crossed and head on the side door looking out. She had a blank dull expression even tho I know she was irritated from before and I could tell by the straight-eyed stare she had.
I kept my face forward watching her from the corner of my eye while also watching Edric and Emira struggle.


"Again it's not your business Amelia, drop it," Amity said as I kept my gaze forward but still kept looking at her from my peripheral vision, which she had felt as well.
"Stop looking at me too."

Before I could speak back the trunk shut as Edric was able to use his scrawny body to stuff everything in. I looked over to my side mirror seeing Ed come up to the side door having an irritable expression as he started pulling on the car's handle before I let him in.

"You could have helped you know," Em said as she and Ed entered the back seat.

"I thought the second eldest should be able to do a simple task by themselves. Sorry for thinking you're grown enough to shut the trunk alone, were you scared? Did you slam your finger on the trunk door," I teased in a sarcastic mommy tone as I began pulling out of the parking lot. Emira turned her head away angrily while pouting as Edric gritted his teeth crossing his arms and slouching in deeper into the black leather seat.

"Not like you're any grown either Amelia..." Ed mumbled from behind as I slammed on the brakes hearing the twins slam into me and Amity's seat.

"Owwww! A second time!!!"

"What the hell did I do!"

"Oh, I'm SO SORRY! I saw a child in front of me so I JUST HAD to stop," I said before slowly driving again.

"Jokes on you Amelia, you just missed a good twenty points," Edric said proudly like the dumb ass he is.

I didn't play any music the whole ride as we headed back home leaving the car silent with the twins and Amity on their phones. Ed and Em had calmed down but I could sense the small anger still in them while Amity was still irritated and refused to look up and only did to look out the window next to her.

"I ordered pizza before I picked y'all up, Willow is picking it up for us," I said only receiving hums before getting quiet again.

"What did y'all find?" I asked as Ed hummed "I don't know."

"Just the same old shirts and tees we get," Emira added sarcastically as I kept my eyes on the road. It was the wisest choice I could have ever made.

"What about you mittens? Did you find that book too," I asked referring to the book Amity had, once, asked me to buy for her.

"I did find-" she stopped mid-sentence as I glanced over to her from the corner of my eyes seeing a shocking and pale expression. She had looked up and out into the road as though something had dawned on her.

"What?" I asked as she immediately groaned and slapped her head as she dug herself into the back of her seat.

"I left it there, crap!" She yelled while disciplining herself/cussing herself out as I just smiled.

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