Part Thirteen♡

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You wake up the next morning. Already in a good mood.

You stretch as you walk to your window and see you mom car still gone. Slight worry crosses your mind but you push it away as you go downstairs to grab some breakfast.

You enter the kitchen and make a smoothie for breakfast.

As you drinking your smoothing your grandma comes in.

"Morning" you say what smile.
"Good morning y/n" she says back grabbing some eggs from the fridge.

"Making something?" You ask taking another sip.

"Just some pasta dough for later, we're having company tonight" she says grabbing other ingredients from the pantry.

"Hmm? Who?" You ask.

"Just my old friend and her daughter. Maybe her grandson" she says looking over to you.
"New jacket?"

"Oh uh, no" "my friends, I'm borrowing it"

"Bit baggy don't you think?" She says chuckling.

You just smile and finish your smoothie with your mind filled with memories made last night.

Later in the day you walk to the Grab n' go for work.

"Hi Cheryl" you say smiling and walking behind the counter as she is putting different items of shelves.

"Hello y/n, have fun last night?" She says putting one last thing on the shelf and bringing the empty box back behind the counter.

"Hm?" You say confused

"I saw you at the drive in with that lovely boy Vance. Sherri son."

"Oh uh yeah, we did have fun" you say with a confused giggle.

"That's great, I'm glad you two had a good time" she says rubbing your shoulder as she walks past to go put the box in the back of the store.

Why was she there...

You ignore the odd conversation that was had between you and Cheryl and switch your attention to different customers entering the store.

Near the end of your shift, Vance enters the store. You hear change jingling in his pocket.

He says hi to both you and Cheryl and goes to the pinball machine.

Your shift ends about half an hour later and Vance is still at the machine.

You walk over to watch him play.

"Why do you play this so much anyway?" You ask leaning against him

"I don't know, I'm good at it and I like it" he says turning to you for just half a second before looking back to his game.


"What" he says

"Nothing" you say stepping away and going to grab a drink from one of the fridges.

You grab two pepsies and some candy give the money to Cheryl and head for the door.

"Coming or not?" You say shaking the bag of candy towards Vance"

"Yep" he says, leaving the machine as he had already lost.

Sorry short chapter...we got a new house and we're on the process of moving stuff. I'll be updating a lot more soon :)

All For You - ~Vance Hopper~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora