You're mine

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Dream sat back on the couch, he wasn't feeling good and had been coughing and sneezing almost all day long. His nose was runny and he felt dead. He kept sniffling in trying to breathe and he finally grew so angry that he yelled and smacked his hand against the table.

He shouted in pain and covered his blanket over him. He heard footsteps on the stairs and peaked out. George was looking at him concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked, walking up to him and taking a seat in front of him on the couch.

Dream groaned, within that groan was his raspy and sick voice. George frowned and gently pulled the blanket off his face, Dream just looked dead. George placed his hand on Dreams forehead and hummed.

"You're burning up Dream." He said. Dream groaned and closed his eyes in pain. George ran his fingers through Dream's hair, lightly pulling back strands. "Have you gone to the doctors?" George asked. Dream gently shook his head. George chuckled.

"Right, don't even know why I asked that." He said. He rested his hand on Dream's cheek. "You've been too much Dream, wanna come lay up in your bed?" George asked. Dream shook his head.

"What about my bed?" George asked, tilting his head as he tucked strands of Dream's hair behind his ear. Dream smiled but shook his head. "Okay." George said, standing up and walking away to the kitchen. Dream sat up, his hand falling onto his head as it hurt from trying to breathe through his nose.

His hand hurt from slamming it out of angry, his angry issues were something he wish he could control better, but when George was around, he seemed to control it a lot better.

George soon came back with a bowl and a water. He got on his knees beside Dream, a smile plastered on his lips. "It's chicken noodle soup, it always helps." George said. Dream chuckled. "It helps when you are sick sick, like stomach ache." Dream chuckled.

George smiled and shrugged. "You are sick so it counts." He said. Dream shook his head and took the bowl. "How long have you been like this?" George asked, he hadn't been home for at least a week as he was at events with friends.

"It started this morning, I woke up and felt like absolute shit. Runny nose, couldn't breathe, headache, and raspy voice." Dream said. George hummed and reached up, feeling his head.

"You are warm, like I said earlier." George said. Dream nodded and finished his soup. "Thank you George." He said. George smiled. "It's my pleasure, it's funny when I have to help you out." George said. Dream rolled his eyes.

"You remind me of a dog sometimes." George said. Dream was a bit taken back and raised a brow. "That's random." Dream laughed. "Sometimes you are just so cuddly and playful like a puppy, but then you can be so protective and brave like a big guard dog, but then you can be super shy." George said.

Dream laid down staring at George. They smiled at each other. "Yeah?" Dream said. George nodded, "yeah." "Well, you remind me of a cat." Dream said. George chuckled. "A black cat if we are being specific." He said. George tilted his head.

"You are sometimes a big energy ball, but then sometimes you just want to be chill and unbothered. You sneak around and keep watch, you are always listening or watching carefully." Dream said, his voice raspy.

"That's cute." George said. "You're cute." Dream said. George rolled his eyes. "You're a dork." George said, grabbing the empty bowl and standing up. "Your dork~" Dream whispered.

George went back to the kitchen and put the bowl in the sink, coming back to the living and kneeling down beside the couch. "You know you can sit up here right?" Dream said.

"Yeah but the view down here is a whole lot better." George said. "Oh gosh.." Dream chuckled, covering his face in embarrassment. His cheeks turned pink.

"God you're pretty." Dream whispered, however George heard. He giggled and looked down at Patches who had slipped into George's lap. "You should probably go see a doctor though Dream." George said. "Why? I've got one in front of me?" He said.

"A real doctor." George said, petting Patches lightly. "Yeah but, it's just a cold, nothing serious." Dream said, sitting up. George smiled at him, resting his elbow against the cushion. "Could be more serious you never know Dream." George said. Dream shook his head.

"I love you George." Dream said. George smiled and looked down at Patches. "Say it back..." Dream teased, his voice low and raspy. George giggled. "Do you need any medicine?" George asked, looking back at Dream. He shook his head. "I'll be alright." He said.

"Anything you need, just let me know." George said, as he went to get up. Dream smiled. "I do have one request.." he said. George tilted his head. "Oh gosh, what is it?" He asked. Dream winked at him. George shook his head.

"Please, you said anything." Dream begged, rolling his head back. George chuckled, "not like that!" "Please George!" Dream begged. "Please!"

"I hate you." George chuckled. "You love me, now please!" Dream said. George rolled his eyes. "Fine." He said quietly, hoping Dream wouldn't hear it. Dream sat up all the way with a shocked look. "Really?" He asked. George giggled and nodded as he pushed Dream back.

"Only because you are sick." He said, swinging his leg over Dream and sitting on his legs. They stared at each other for a moment before George cupped his face and kissed his forehead. "Cheek please." Dream whispered, his hands resting on George's hips.

George rolled his eyes and kissed his cheek. Dream smiled at him. "Simp." George said. Dream chuckled and wrapped his arms around George as he laid back on his back, rocking George forward and pulling him down onto his chest.

"I also request a cuddle." Dream said. George groaned and let out a laugh. "I hate you so much Dream." He chuckled. "I love you so much too George." Dream said.

Dream loosened his grip around George allowing him to lean back and stare up at him. They both smiled at each other, but their eyes kept going up and down. From lips to eyes, making sure the other didn't catch them looking.

Dream slowly leaned down, his hand cupping George's cheek. George scooted up to lean in until their lips brushed slightly. "Don't tempt me." Dream said. George shook his head, going for it but Dream jerked his head back.

George looked at him with a shocked and confused face. "I'm sorry, I want to and I totally would, but I don't want to get you sick." Dream said, letting out a laugh. George groaned. "I really hate you." George said. Dream kissed his forehead.

"I love you a whole lot more George."

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