Chapter 3 | I Was A Teenage Abomination - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"In all honesty, I actually pity you." You remarked. Eda looks around and hums in satisfaction with what she had found.

"Hey, here's a lesson. A great witch is resourceful, like this!" Eda grabbed Luz's hand and puts it in a green puddle near the junk pile. Luz feels something and pulls it out of the dreadful water.

"Oh, hey. Greasy slime ball..." Luz murmured.

"Use your greasy slime ball wisely, young witch." Eda told. She then turns around to get more trash. "Back at it! We'll hit the stink nodes first."

"Actually, if it's okay, I think I'll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still alive." Luz said, backing up and walking the other way. "Love you, King. You little beach peach."

Luz tickles the little creature, causing him to giggle and squirm a little. King then lies on his belly and rests his eyes.

"Where's Y/N?" Luz asked.

"Oh, Y/N's one step ahead of you. I think he went back home." King waved off and sighed. Luz walks on the trail back to the Owl House.

"More for me, then!" Eda yelled. She goes back to digging inside the trash slug. "There we go!"

Eda tosses aside a tuba, causing it to fall on King, who yells out in surprise. He briefly becomes dazed from it.

"This is awesome!" Eda shouts in contentment.

"If magic's all about digging for slime balls, maybe I don't have the stomach for it." Luz said to herself as she put the slime ball in her pocket.

"You can do it! You can!"

"Mysterious voice of encouragement..." Luz gasped. She looks through some bushes and sees a person sitting down on a rock. "Little witch girl."

"You can do it! Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of you as a witch. And my parents are right. There are better opportunities on this track. Now get to school!" The girl assured herself before stepping on a flower. "Oh, no! Oh, little friend! I'm sorry!"

The girl kneels and proceeds to rotate her finger around the flower, forming a green circle above it. Little circular objects come out of the ring, making the flower flourish and go back to its previous state once again. Luz gasps again but stays quiet at the sound of something rolling toward the girl.

"Willow! Wow, you're so unnoticeable I almost rolled into you." A green-haired girl spoke from the top of a canister. She jumps down and stands in front of the former. The flower then quickly withers in the girl's presence.

"Hi, Amity." Willow frowned.

"Shouldn't you get to class early? To prep your..." Amity is interrupted by the sound of Willow's canister falling over and spilling a purple substance. An eyeball slides in front of the two and blinks while groaning. "Oh, Willow. You don't have anything to show, do you?"

"Witch drama!" Luz whispered. Willow puts her hood over her face and blushes with embarrassment.

"This is why people call you "Half-a-Witch Willow." Amity told. Her canister starts to wobble side to side as well. "Oh, looks like someone wants to say something to you. Abomination, rise."

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