She walked back to the counter and checked to see if Vicki had responded.

She hadn't.

Alora sighed, beginning to overthink. She thought she may have overstepped with what she had said, but it wasn't like she had said anything that wasn't true—it just may not have been her place. Even if that wasn't the issue, maybe Vicki felt like Alora was judging her ( she wasn't ) and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

The witch shook her head to clear her askew train of thoughts. She then briefly looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. She waited there for a moment, trying to collect herself, only to hear a soft 'meow' as something brushed against her legs.

At her feet, she saw Arthur standing atop her socks, brushing against the flared pants she was wearing.

"Hey, buddy," She kneeled down next to her cat, petting the top of his head gently. "One second..." She stood back up, walked across the kitchen, picked up Arthur's bowl, and placed it on the counter. She then got the food from the lower cabinet before opening it and putting it in the bowl.

All the while, Arthur elegantly sat at her feet, staring up at her with wide, big green eyes, his tail occasionally swishing back and forth.

Alora grabbed the bowl and placed it back on the floor where it belonged.

Arthur sprung to his feet and sauntered over to his bowl of food.

Alora watched him for a moment, making sure that he was going to eat. Once she was, she went back to her phone.

There was a notification.

- Oh my fucking—

Dude! Where'd you go???

As Alora waited for a response again, she slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed her bag for school. She then crouched down next to Arthur, who looked toward her as soon as he noticed she was there.

"See you later, little knight," Running a hand over his short fur.

Arthur softly purred in response.

- Jeez, sunshine! I wasn't gone for that long, but it is nice to know you miss me;)

Hahah. Very funny.

- I like to think so.

- I was making a quick escape.

Oh, how'd that go?

- I escaped through the window. Almost fell, but I'm good.

Does the Gilbert house not have a door?

- It does....I just didn't feel like having to have judgemental stares from Elena as I walked out there. The window seemed like a better idea.

Alora let out a laugh, shaking her head with a smile.

Do you want to meet up for coffee before school?

- And put my plans of tunneling to China on hold?


- For you, sunshine, always.

- I'll meet you there in ten minutes.

Alora then excited the house, lightly closing the door behind her and locking it. She didn't want to make much noise if her father was still sleeping. She then walked down the steps until she reached the driveway where her car was parked.

It had arrived earlier in the morning, which was the reason as to why Dean was still sleeping. He had stayed up to make sure he could pay the guys delivering the vehicle. It had been around 5:00 in the morning at the time when he sent his daughter a text and then went off to sleep.

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