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no one's pov

"that goes there.. then that goes there, then we're done! i told you to trust the process."

—said the happy blonde male as him and heeseung finished with an assignment in their science class. it was an assignment based on building a new light bulb, and riki had a little knowledge on electrical engineering. heeseung fondly smiled at the younger and ruffled his hair, laughing a bit at the frown the other made.

"hey..! i spent time doing my hair, y'know."

"haha, sorry."

as for the rest of the groups, many students failed to do the assignment because they had no experience or just didn't want to do it for its complexity. riki looked around the classroom to see only him and heeseung finished, so that left them with just working on homework from other classes.

"hey, can you guys help me?"


heeseung and the younger boy replied at the same time without looking up to who it was, and heeseung immediately recognized who it was just by the mysterious persons hands.

he looked up to confirm his suspicions and sure enough— it was jake.


"i just need help with activating the spark inside of it. do you know how to?"

"yeah! i do."

although riki knows heeseung and jake weren't the best around eachother, he still chose to help the older because he was bored and simply had nothing else to do.

he did everything for jake in under 20 seconds, not even explaining how which riddled up the confusion in jake.

"what... how did you do that?"

"you're welcome."

he gave the little invention back to jake and waited for him to walk off, only for him to pull another seat from another table to theirs.

"i'm sure you guys don't mind me sitting here."

riki and heeseung looked at eachother in knowing glances, but they decided to let jake sit there.

"umm.. okay."

"so... how's the day going for you guys? one more period until lunch!"

he happily cheered but got shushed by other groups who are still working which made him pout a bit. both of the other two at the table internally fanboy over how cute he is—

'wait what—..'

riki pinched himself on his leg to snap out of whatever he is in currently and turned to look at his hyung to his left and saw the other staring with the most interesting gaze.

his head slightly tilted to the left, his adams apple popping out from how prominent it is, his hair slightly falling over his eyes, and his lips curled up to display a small smile to the other who was also staring back.

𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 ෴ 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝔀𝓸𝓷 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें